Are we there yet? Initial targeting of the Male-Specific Lethal and Polycomb group chromatin complexes in Drosophila by Kyle A. McElroy, Hyuckjoon Kang, and Mitzi I. Kuroda Open Biology Volume 4(3): March 26, 2014 ©2014 by The Royal Society
Potential factors influencing the selection of chromatin-binding sites. Kyle A. McElroy et al. Open Biol. 2014;4: ©2014 by The Royal Society
The MSL spreading model, the MRE and CLAMP. (a) The Male-Specific Lethal dosage compensation complex consists of five core protein members and one of two non-coding RNAs. Male-specific lethal (MSL) 1, 2 and 3, Males absent on the first (MOF) and Maleless (M... Kyle A. McElroy et al. Open Biol. 2014;4: ©2014 by The Royal Society
PcG complexes, PRE architecture and pairing-sensitive silencing (PSS). Kyle A. McElroy et al. Open Biol. 2014;4: ©2014 by The Royal Society
Chromatin environment and long-range chromatin interactions. Kyle A. McElroy et al. Open Biol. 2014;4: ©2014 by The Royal Society
Updated models. Kyle A. McElroy et al. Open Biol. 2014;4: ©2014 by The Royal Society