In what countries? Capital punishment has in the past in every society, although only 58 nations practice it, with 95 countries abolishing it. However, over 60 % of the world’s population live in countries where executions take place: China India The USA Indonesia Capital punishment has in the past in every society, although only 58 nations practice it, with 95 countries abolishing it. However, over 60 % of the world’s population live in countries where executions take place: China India The USA Indonesia
murder espionage treason rape incest sodomy apostasy in Islamic nations drug trafficking corruption
electrocut ion firing squad stoning in Islamic countries gas chamber hanging lethal injection
(US only) Nobody knows how quickly a person dies from the electric shock, or what their experience
Firing squad The prisoner is bound and shot through the heart by multiple marksmen. This method is used in Belarus, China, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Taiwan.
The prisoner is often buried up to her or his neck or leg and pelted with rocks until they die. It is used in Afghanistan and Iran.
Cyanide capsules are dropped into acid producing hydrogen Cyanide, a deadly gas.
The neck is broken and death comes quickly. This method is used in Egypt, Iran, Pakistan, Japan.
Lethal drugs are injected into the prisoner while he lays strapped down to a table. Lethal injection is used in China, Gautemala, Thailand.
In the European Union member states, Article 2 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union prohibits the use of capital punishment Among countries around the world, almost all European and many Pacific Area states (including Australia and New Zealand), and Canada have abolished capital punishment. In Latin America, most states have abolished the use of capital punishment.
In the United Kingdom, it was abolished for all peacetime offences in Canada abolished it in France abolished it in 1981, and Australia in Russia has not executed anyone since 1996, and the regulations of the Council of Europe prohibit it from doing so at any time in future.
Implicit moratorium is established by the President Explicit moratorium is established by the nation’s highest court.
A central principle of a just society is that every person has an equal right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. But not die in such a way.