X-Call Version 2.0 user guide A manual to explain how to identify arrived patients and call into a preferred location. A manual to explain how to identify arrived patients and call into a preferred location. Healthcare Training Jayex Technology Limited XC Version 2.0 Mar 2010 v3.10.1
Contents Starting up the X-Call Server Application Starting up the X-Call Reception Software Shutting down the X-Call Application Setting up X-Call features Arriving a patient from X-Call Reception Calling a patient from X-Call Reception PC The Clinician List Calling a Patient from Clinic Call Web
From your Reception PC or where the X-Call Server has been installed, double click on the X-Call Server Icon. When the Server is running, it will appear in the system tray at the bottom of the desktop. Starting up the X-Call Server application Nb. this must be started first before the X-Call Reception module to refresh the appointment list and before Clinicians can call patients. Nb. Depending on the version of the server the icon may be a small blue cross or a server icon, as shown on the example above.
Double click on the ‘X-Call Reception’ icon from your Desktop. This software may be on the same pc as for the X-Call (Jayex) server or a separate pc. The Appointments list will pull across all appointments from your clinical system for the current day. Nb. If not, close down the application and re-start the Jayex server software. See next page. Starting up the X-Call Reception Software Nb. This screen can be minimised at the bottom of your desktop by clicking on the “-” symbol located above the Jayex logo on the top right of the software.
Shutting down the X-Call application Close down X-Call Reception by clicking on the red ‘X’. Located on the top right of the software. From your Desktop tray right click over the X-Call Server icon and click on ‘Exit’. Nb. Depending on the version of the server the icon may be a small blue cross or a server icon, as shown on the example below. or
X-Call – V2.0 settings Everything you need to know to get the best from the product. Everything you need to know to get the best from the product. Jayex Technology Limited Version 2.0 Section 2 March 2010 v3.10.1
Click on ‘Settings’ and select ‘Login’. You will be requested to enter the password to access certain permissions for set up: Password = jayex1 will unlock settings to control the “LCD patient call screen” and the “Manage Clinicians” tabs Password – jayexts will unlock Admin Settings for D300 LED, style of patient call message, and device call message will show on (i.e. LCD or LED) Setting up X-Call features for LCD
If you have Jayex LCD Screen with multi-media installed and using the ‘jayex1’ password, select ‘X-Call’ LCD from the Settings Menu. These are your LCD settings. From here you can do the following: Call Alert Sound – Using the drop down feature you can select an alert sound for when a Patient is called. Click on the speaker to test. Common Call Colour – Select the fore and background colours for patient call. Call Flash Count – Select the number of times you want the Patients name to flash on the screen. Text with Shadow – applies 3D text. Call with Speech - tick the box to use speech when a Patient is called. Nb. Click ‘Save’ to save your changes.
Using the ‘jayexts’ password (from ‘Settings’ and ‘Login’) you have the option of further Admin Settings. Ensure the ‘LCD/TFT’ Screen is ticked. Screen Connection - By clicking on the drop down menu you can select the ‘patient call pattern’.
By ticking the ‘Call By Number’ another option will appear to select ‘Ticket Options’. Using the drop down menu select the Ticket Printer. Type your Organisation Name to appear at the top of the ticket. To attach your Organisations Logo click on the browse icon to select your image from your PC. The Ticket Message allows you type free form text highlighting health promotion or waiting room requirements (max 180 characters) this will appear below the ticket number. To view the Ticket layout before saving, click on ‘Preview’.
Click on ‘Settings’ again and further options will appear. If you use an LED board, select ‘X-Call D300’. These are your LED settings. From here you can do the following: ‘COM’ Port Options – this shows which serial port the D300 is connected to. Set the Call Life – number of seconds a patient name will display on the board. Time Out – maximum time for the call to stay on the board. Call with Speech – tick the box to use speech when a patient is called. Click ‘Save’ to confirm your changes. Setting up X-Call features for LED
Using the ‘jayexts’ password (from ‘Settings’ and ‘Login’) you have the option of further Admin Settings. By ticking the ‘Call By Number’ another option will appear to select ‘Ticket Options’. Using the drop down menu select the Ticket Printer. Type your Organisation Name to appear at the top of the ticket. To attach your Organisations Logo click on the browse icon to select your image from your PC. The Ticket Message allows you type free form text highlighting health promotion or waiting room requirements (max 180 characters) this will appear below the ticket number. To view the Ticket layout before saving, click on ‘Preview’.
From the ‘Settings’ menu, select Manage Clinicians. This is a list of all Clinicians from your system. You can manage your Clinicians by disabling them if you no longer wish them to appear in the Appointments List. To disable a Clinician click once in the disable column, this will high light them in RED. To enable the Clinician, simply un-tick the disable column.
Patients can be marked arrived from either X-Call Reception or the Clinical Appointments list. Right click on selected patient to mark arrived in X-Call. This will change the status to ‘Wait’ and highlight as yellow. Nb. The ‘ArrTime’ will automatically be updated by your clinical system. Arriving a Patient from X-Call Reception Nb. Marking patient arrived in X-Call Reception is only essential where call by number is required.
Reception can call patients if necessary directly to the Clinicians location. Click ‘YES’ to confirm the correct Patient is about to be called. Calling a Patient from your X-Call Reception PC Nb. Right click on the highlighted arrived Patient and select ‘Call Patient’.
On the ‘Appointments List’ this will highlight the Patient in green indicating that they have been ‘Called’. If the Patient does not respond, use ‘Recall’ to alert the Patient again. Right click on the selected Patient and select ‘Recall Patient’.
From X-Call Reception screen, click on the ‘Clinician List’ tab. To display the average waiting times and number of patients to your Patient Call Display, tick the ‘Display Avg. Waiting Time’ and ‘Display No. of Patients’ boxes. The Clinician’s List Double click on a Clinician’s Name and below you have the option to Edit their details and how they wish to be called. Call Alias – Type the Clinicians name to how they want to appear. Call Location – Type their room allocation. Click ‘Save’ when you have made your changes.
Calling a Patient from Clinic-Call Web This is the Clinician calling module showing information from the X-Call application. It is installed where no direct call action is possible from within the appointments window. From the Clinicians desktop double click on ‘Clinic-Call Web’ icon. Nb. This will open up Clinic-Call Web from your Internet Explorer.
Using the drop down option select the Clinician of whose Appointments you want to see. The location will automatically display from the settings within X-Call Reception (from the ‘Clinicians’ tab). Nb. Clinical Call Web will remember the settings for this PC.
If the selected Clinician is in an alternative room than stated, you can change the Location. When the changes have been saved, this will automatically update the Clinician’s information within X-Call Reception.
When a patients status is highlighted as ‘Wait’, by clicking on you can ‘Call Patient’. A confirmation box will appear, click ‘OK’ to confirm this is the patient you are calling. The status will change to ‘Called’. Nb. As a Clinician you can ‘Re-Call’ a patient using the same process.
X-Call – V2.0 FAQ’s All your questions and their answers. All your questions and their answers. Jayex Technology Limited Version 2.0 Section 3 March 2010 v3.10.1
How do I log-in to X-Call Reception to make changes? From ‘Settings’ click on ‘Login’ and a login window will be displayed. Type the password ‘jayex1’ and click ‘OK’. This will enable the other menus in this section so you are able to customise the X-Call functionality. What is the function of the Appointments List tab? This tab allows you to view the Appointments List and manually arrive Patients, you can see how many Patients are in today’s appointments list and you can see the basic details of patients. You can also refresh the list of patients by clicking on ‘File’ and then ‘Refresh List’ What is the function of the Clinician List tab? This tab allows you to view the waiting times and number of patients waiting for each clinician (this feature is dependent on your appointments system). You can edit how their details appear when a patient is called to your Patient Call Display (PCD). How do I change the back and text colour of my LCD screen? From ‘Settings’ click on ‘Login’ (you only need to do this if the other menu settings are not accessible), select ‘X-Call LCD’ from the menu. From here ensure ‘Common Call Colour’ is ticked to allow you to change the back and text colour of your LCD screen. Click on ‘Save’ if you have made any changes. How do I change the ‘Call Alert Sound’? From ‘Settings’ click on ‘Login’ (you only need to this if the other menu settings are not accessible), select ‘X-Call LCD’ from the menu. From here ensure ‘Call Alert Sound’ is ticked. Use the dropdown arrow to select an alternative sound, you can test the sound (this comes from the Reception PC so make sure you have volume on) by clicking on the speaker icon. Click on ‘Save’ if you have made any changes. How do I change the ‘Patient Call Pattern’? From ‘Settings’ click on ‘Login’. A pop up window will appear asking for a password, type ‘jayexts’ and another window will open with further Admin Settings. On the right hand side, use the dropdown arrow to select your preferred ‘Patient Call Pattern’. Click on ‘Save’ if you have made any changes.
How do I disable the ‘Number of Patients Waiting’ displaying on my PCD? From the ‘Clinicians List’ tab, the top right hand side of the screen, you will see the option to enable/disable ‘Average Waiting Time’ and the ‘Number of Patients Waiting’. NOTE: The default action on X-Call is to display the average waiting time (AWT) and the number of patients waiting (PW). You can also enable/disable for individual clinicians or for the whole surgery. How do I disable the ‘Number of Patients Waiting’ and ‘Average Waiting Time’ for a Clinician? From the ‘Clinician List’ tab, double click on a Clinician and the ‘Edit Clinician’ details will appear below. Right-hand side you have the option to disable/enable PW and AWT. Click on ‘Save’ if you have made changes. How can I change the way our Clinicians name is displayed on my PCD? From the ‘Clinician List’ tab, double click on a Clinician and the ‘Edit Clinician’ details will appear below. In the ‘Call Alias’ this is how the Clinicians name will be displayed, in the ‘Call Location’ where the Clinician is located and patients will be called to. Click on ‘Save’ if you have made changes. How can I view appointments for a particular Clinician? From the ‘Appointments List’ tab select a Clinician from the dropdown menu; you will then see all appointments for that selected Clinician for the day. How do I manually mark a Patient as ‘Arrived’? From the ‘Appointments List’ tab select a patient from the list and right click. A menu will appear from where you can click on ‘Mark Arrived’ and the patient will be manually checked in.