Delivering the right data to the right person at the right time Improving services to patients with long- term conditions Professor Michael Thick Chief Medical Officer and Chief Clinical Information Officer McKesson UK Delivering the right data to the right person at the right time © System C Healthcare Ltd 2013 System C Healthcare Ltd is a McKesson company
Information technology - a key enabler for: - the design, delivery and incremental development of innovative care services that are shaped around – and responsive to – the needs of patients and service users. - the improvement of the quality and safety of care through the secure and efficient exchange of vital clinical information. The central goal when introducing new technology must be to deliver the right data, to the right person, at the right time, wherever they are on the care pathway. 2
The not-so ‘secret sauce’: To effectively support improvements in the delivery of care, technology solutions must be clinically-led and patient-centric. i.e. the potential benefits of IT will only be realised if solutions are: - relevant, practical and useful in the real-world clinical setting - responsive to, and respectful of, patients’ needs - able to securely, effectively and efficiently share data across a fully-integrated care pathway. 3
So in reality what does this mean? Technology’s potential to support the transformation of health and social care is dependent upon: - meaningful clinical engagement and clinical leadership - a demonstrable commitment to interoperability - a willingness to embrace disruptive technologies 4
A case study: Coordinate My Care (CMC) CMC integrates end-of-life care pathways across London between health and social services. The CMC service, developed by the Royal Marsden NHS FT, is clinician-led with clinical governance embedded into its framework. The service is enabled by a reliable information technology solution that facilitates the efficient sharing of patient data. 5
The electronic care record displays diagnosis, prognosis, advanced care plan, resuscitation status and patients’ wishes for end-of-life care. Began with DH-sponsored pilots in two London boroughs, then extended further and now is being rolled out Pan-London. Allows care professionals access to only that information which is relevant to them and their geographical areas of work. The IT solution is a central, password protected, web-based record - accessed through a secure N3 network. 6 A case study: Coordinate My Care (CMC)
We used technology from our acute, community & social care solutions to build a simple, effective tool to link: - patient data – who they are, where they are, what they want... - primary care and out-of-hours services - social and community services - the London Ambulance service - the 111 service - platforms for mobile working We understood this was a clinical service: technology was only an enabler and should support, not shape its development. What did McKesson do? 7
8 CCGsGPs111Out-of-hours GPs London Ambulance Service Community Nursing Team HospitalsHospicesCare homes Social Care CMC Care Record
What are the key lessons? CMC demonstrates the value of partnering clinical endeavour with information technology = innovative service change. Where patients have choices in how their care is delivered, quality of care is improved with cost savings to the NHS: - 80% patients achieve their preferred place of death (PPD) - 70% patients died outside of hospital Highlights ability to safely and securely share care records across a wide range of health and social care professionals, who have a legitimate relationship with the patient, 24/7/365. 9
What are the key lessons? The innovative use of electronic care records works only if solutions are clinically-led and patient centric. Success is as much about cultural change and service transformation as the technology underpinning the service e.g. Approx. 8,000 clinicians have now been trained to use the CMC solution. It’s exciting because it should be possible to take proven solutions and replicate them to serve other areas: – Long Term Conditions – Mental Health – Cancer 10
Professor Michael Thick Chief Medical Officer / Chief Clinical Information Officer McKesson UK “...The future is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed...’ (William Gibson) The Future of Health 11 For more information: Tel: +44 (0)