Presented by Jerome Scott
Describe the common components of Electronic Health Records (EHR). Assess the benefits of an EHR. Evaluate outcomes of EHR use in meeting needs of healthcare staff and patients.
The Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a longitudinal electronic record of patient health information generated by one or more encounters in any care delivery setting. (Electronic Health Record, 2010) Click for Reference
Avoid duplication of tests Reduce medical errors Make surgery safer Encourage better self-care Improve care of chronic illness Identify proper medication dosages
Hardware Software
The physical or tangible parts of the EHR computer system Computer terminals in patient care areas Tablet PC’s Handheld devices
Tablet PC High mobility PC Lightweight and high durability Slim, flat battery is hot-swappable Thin dimensions can be easily gripped Three input modes (pen, voice & keyboard)
Computer Physician Order Entry Security software Lab Test Results Patient-specific Educational Resources Electronic Syndrome Surveillance Immunization registries
Software protection of sensitive patient Information
Individual-based access Role-based access Context-based access
Each user’s information needs is individually evaluated and access is provided accordingly.
Users with common jobs and/or access needs Nurses Administrators Secretaries
Users who serve in a common context Specific discipline Legal entity
Healthcare information systems: Clinical Pharmacy Laboratory Radiology
Early and central focus on users in the design, development and purchase of systems Iterative design Empirical usability measures of observations of users and information systems (Staggers, 2003) Click for Reference
LaboratoryPhysicians office Emergency Services Pharmacy Hospital Home Health Radiology Specialist EHR= Continuity of care
Enhancing care by providing data at the bedside Containing observations Interventions Clinical notes Hemodynamic data Lab results
Electronic chronic care management is aimed at improving the health of patients with chronic illness
Heart disease Hypertension Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Asthma Diabetes
MedicsDocAssistant Electronic Health Records software Physicians Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) Computer Based Provider Order Entry (CPOE) Evidence-Based Medicine MedicsRX e-prescribing Solution Medics On-Call™ for iPhone™ Virtual "sticky notes“ (MedicsDocAssistant Electronic Health Records, 2010) Click for Reference
Systems analysis, design, and implementation Database management Specialization in health care informatics Current issues and trends in health care informatics Health care informatics internship
Clinician computer education coordination Project management for clinical systems Supervises clinical informatics analysts Leads nursing informatics vision and strategic plan
Start up costs Transition period from paper to electronic Feelings of depersonalization Distraction from the patient Computer problem delays Security
Third party access Confidentiality Beneficence and nonmaleficence Value conflicts
Electronic Health Record. (2010). Retrieved February 25, 2010, from Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Web site: Staggers, N. (2003). Human factors: Imperative concepts for critical care. AACN Clinical Issues, MedicsDocAssistant Electronic Health Records. (2010). Retrieved March 2, 2010, from Advanced Data Systems Corporation: Return