Syringe Pumps
Topics Diagrams Principles of Operation Applications Safety Operation Preventive Maintenance Common Failure Modes Troubleshooting New Technology
Principles of Operation Syringe pumps use a series of sensors and a motor driven plunger head to infuse liquid at a precise rate InputsOutputs ACMoving Plunger Full syringeLiquid released at steady rate
Principle of Operation Chassis contains: LCD screen Alarm to alert user of failures and other issues that need attention Power supply 2 power distribution boards Memory capabilities Records doses, rates, and settings
Principles of Operation Chassis contains: Flange clamp sensor Determines if syringe flange is present Barrel clamp sensor Determines if barrel of syringe is present Determines size of syringe Position sensor Determines how far plunger head is from chassis
Principles of Operation Chassis contains: Motor and worm gear Smoothly moves plunger head outwards Unidirectional Pyramid shaped reflective counter Rotates with motor Counts rotations by reflecting light back at a sensor
Principles of Operation Plunger head contains: Force sensor Syringe plunger pushes against sensor Springs attached to plunger flippers and force sensor detect presence of syringe plunger Clutch & lever to allow and prevent plunger from moving freely
Applications Infuse fluids, medication or nutrients into circulatory system Administers fluids more reliably than humans Improve patient safety by increasing consistency and accuracy Assist in investigation of incidents by collecting data in memory
Safety Always use PPE Read manual before using
Operation Place syringe in three clamps (flange, barrel, plunger flippers) Designate infusion settings on screen Press “start” Bolus option: quickly moves plunger head to prime syringe Always pay attention to alarm warnings Use Biomed option for troubleshooting help
Preventive Maintenance Replace IV tubing, cassette, and/or syringe Clean machine and chassis of any solution residue Verify software and menu settings are appropriate for clinical application Examine controls and switches for proper function Confirm lights, indicators, and displays are working Verify flow stops when device is turned off If device includes a feature that requires the IV set to be closed before it is disconnected (either automatically or manually), verify that this mechanism is operating properly Check rollers and tubing to see if replacement is necessary Run self-test, if equipped
Preventative Maintenance Examine plug and line cord Verify battery chargers and indicators are working Check suggested replacement date for the battery to see if the date is passed or approaching Calibrate machine as necessary Check for unusual noise or vibration Examine internal cables and connectors Lubricate as required by syringe pump manufacturer
Common Failure Modes No power Battery not holding charge No display Bad keypads Broken handles Flash memory errors Plunger sensor errors (syringe)
Trouble- shooting