Recap – Day 2 Strategic Planning Stigma, Thematic areas and multisectoral response
AIDS Strategy and Action Planning (ASAP) It is an UNAIDS demand driven partnership program National strategies need to be prioritized, align external support, coordinated under Three Ones, clarifying role of civil society and multisectoral partners Mechanisms for support include: confidential peer review; technical and financial support for strategy development UNAIDS/World Bank financed service Participants’ concerns: UNAIDS and other partners need to play an active role in multisectorality; Clarify channels of communication for ASAP Website:
Group work feedback – ASAP Build capacity of implementing partners Procedures need to be streamlined Key challenge is availability of data for strategic planning, accuracy and regularity of data reporting Financing problems for M&E with large countries Include the M&E system in NSP, especially budget for implementation Reinforcement of system for collecting data and providing resources esp. Human Interpretation of data for evaluating the needs and priorities of vulnerable groups, with the vulnerable groups Reinforcement of capacity in planning, training, leadership and verification of data
Criteria for choosing priority sectors: Identify the vulnerable population within the sector Ministries & organs have highest value added in reducing transmission Level of coverage by sector Leadership of sector in HIV fight
Session II: Thematic Areas and Coordination Challenges Where do we start with m-s approach? Do we start with partners and donors and what they want or do we start with the results we want to achieve and then identify who the partners/donors/collaborators will be to achieve those results. Without education sector, cannot really address many of challenges effectively
If always talking about high risk groups and safer sex, condoms are most useful approach but some donors don’t allow condom use – WB should advocate for them to remove these limitations that make implementation more difficult Use m-s approach also to address sexual violence issues – need holistic approach to assist females so that cannot be forced (need legislation to make it criminal, need to sensitize army and armed personnel to be aware that this is not right, also work with women themselves to empower them and provide employment so that don’t feel have to accept this to survive, etc.)
Session I – Strategic Planning Area to be ranked Ranking (1-5) 1. Relevance of this presentation to your current work or functions78% 2. Extent to which you have acquired information that is new to you36% 3. Usefulness for you of the information that you have acquired65% 4. Clarity of the presentation68% 5. Focus of this session on what you specifically needed to learn48% 6. Extent to which content of this session matched the announced objectives66% 7. Overall usefulness of this session81% 8. To what extent will you adopt the group discussion recommendations79%
Session II – Stigma and Thematic Area to be ranked Ranking (1-5) 1. Relevance of this presentation to your current work or functions69% 2. Extent to which you have acquired information that is new to you40% 3. Usefulness for you of the information that you have acquired57% 4. Clarity of the presentation56% 5. Focus of this session on what you specifically needed to learn36% 6. Extent to which content of this session matched the announced objectives53% 7. Overall usefulness of this session68% 8. To what extent will you adopt the group discussion recommendations55%