Recap Rivers Rivers work hard. They are always E________ and moving this material downstream (T __________). Rivers are eroding down the way and across the way. This makes the river D_________ and W_________. One place along the river where erosion is obvious is at the features called W_____________. Waterfalls are _________ (write a definition of waterfalls using your notes) ______________.
Waterfall and Gorge 1 (OBLIQUE AERIAL VIEW) EROSION TYPE: Vertical and Headward
Waterfall and Gorge 2 (PROFILE VIEW) EROSION TYPE: Vertical and Headward
Meanders are formed because the current swings to the outside of a bend and concentrates the erosion there. Deposition occurs on the inside of the bed where there is not enough energy to carry load. EROSION TYPE: Lateral Also known as the ‘Mature’ stage Meanders 1 (Aerial View)
Meanders 2 (Profile View / Cross Section X - Y) EROSION TYPE: Lateral This cross section clearly shows the eddy current (near ’X’) formed by the velocity of the river being concentrated on the outside of the bend. These UNDERCUT the bank causing the formation of a RIVER CLIFF. On the inside (NEAR ‘Y’), a SLIP-OFF-SLOPE is formed where current is too slow to carry any load.
Ox-Bow Lake 1 (Aerial View) EROSION TYPE: Lateral Ox-bow lakes are formed when two meander RIVER CLIFFS are being eroded towards each other. These will eventually meet, causing the river to then flow across the bottom of the diagram.
Ox-Bow Lake 2 (Aerial View)
Can you work out what the river is trying to do by using this diagram?