Session 13 Recap and Way Forward 8 th Global RCE Conference Nairobi, Kenya
Keynotes Theme on ‘Promoting sustainability through collaboration and biodiversity’ Supports the increasing role of higher education in sustainability Supports the increasing role of RCEs in the next decade and beyond Conference outcome to provide input to the 2014 World ESD Conference and to implementing the Global Action Programme on ESD Transformative learning & research within RCEs implies change – practically, intellectually, politically in process of re-orientation
Continental RCE Networking Asia-Pacific: Discussed collaborative initiatives and projects in line with the Global Action Programme on ESD Africa: Discussed inter-RCE collaboration; capacity development; visibility; mentorship Americas: Discussed communication/networking; virtual youth conference; open access ESD journal Europe: Exchanging experiences & enhancing communications; sharing ideas & building partnerships; increasing visibility & improving collaboration
Thematic Issues Sustainable Consumption & Production: Focus on vocational schooling & training Traditional Knowledge & Biodiversity: Knowledge documentation; integration into formal education; involvement of youth Higher Education: Contributions of HEIs to ESD; stronger collaboration in Rio+20 framework Disaster Risk Reduction: Inventory of experiences and capacities; Buiding resilience through schools & youth; learning cases
Thematic Issues Climate Change: Awareness; capacity development; livelihood; collaboration of key stakeholders Health & Sanitation: Documentation of good practices; strategic involvement of HEIs; focus on water-related issues, TK; biodiversity; resources for health, nutrition & wellbeing Teacher Education & Better Schools: Collect success stories; common quality criteria; sharing materials Youth: Form RCE Youth Network; each RCE to have youth representative
Operational Issues Fundraising: Joint continental proposals; use of celebrities; PPP; action research Communications & Outreach: Critical factor; intra/inter-RCE communication; relevance, content; enhanced policy engagement; creation of communication working in each RCE Cross-continental/Inter-RCE Collaboration: Collaborative initiatives; shared vision/goal; topics (water, TK, Youth, global informed citizenship for sustainability; etc.); tools; responsibilities
Strategic Issues Capacity Development: Capacities of youth, women; shared experiences; mentorships; documentation of challenges Research & Development: dev. Guide book; collection of processes/methodologies, and cases; res. on appropriate & innovative technology and linking universities. Public-Private Partnership: Self-assessment; structure; visibility; relevance; win-win; RCEs useful for CSR; SD fund; SD competition sharing practices Governance & Coordination: Research on governance processes and coordination; coordination of RCE interactions Assessment & Evaluation: Process; applying process in some RCEs; stand alone or integrating in ongoing processes Engagement with International SD/ESD Processes: Aligning with UN bodies; positioning RCEs; bringing good cases to UN processes; international groups; communication
Policy Makers’ Roundtable Imperative to engage policy makers on ESD and RCEs Different models of engagement – leadership; enabling & facilitative; supportive Involve multi-stakeholders early on in policy- making process Policy implementation to involve local government authorities and grassroots Engage politicians and only current policy makers
RCE Awards Nine acknowledged flagship projects Six outstanding flagship projects Five honorable mentions
ESD Beyond 2014 Promote ESD beyond UNDESD; Increased ESD presence Pilot to Policy; Small to Large Scale; Margin to Mainstream; scale up GAP RCEs’ contributions to the Global Action Programme on ESD priority areas: policy; learning & training; educators & trainers; youth; local level RCEs compatible with the ambitions of GAP
Way Forward Nairobi to Okayama Outcome in Nairobi to be further developed at the 9 th Global RCE Conference in Okayama based on the Global Action Programme on ESD Okayama to Nagoya Draft document on RCE Action Programme on ESD produced Final document on RCE Action Programme to be input to the World ESD Conference in Nagoya