Identifying the role of the Water Sector in National Strategic Planning Scenario Planning – The sector players are being challenged to think like “foxes” by constantly analysing the environment and developing probable scenarios and developing appropriate responses to these – There may be a need to consider applying scenario planning tools in the water sector to assess whether the current planning tools and the WfGD framework are indeed addressing all possibilities “It is better to be vaguely right than to be absolutely wrong”
National Strategic Planning & the Role of the Water Sector Green Paper on National Strategic Planning National Strategic Plan will not replace sectoral planning; it will actually require improved sectoral planning (credible/reliable data & effective tools) There is clear recognition that water, as a baseline resource that often determines feasibility of development projects, will require constant monitoring and research by the NPC
Water Use Sectors Inter-sectoral planning must be strengthened and institutionalised to ensure a balanced consideration of supply issues and to manage increasing demand. Water security, in its broad sense, must fairly consider national priorities (food security, energy security, etc) Key considerations to factor – Increasing agricultural demand (planned expansions) – Planned energy generation projects – Impact of mining operations on water quality
Green Paper: National Strategic Planning Finalise the WfGD to guide long-term water sector planning Assess capacity of the sector to plan effectively in response to the issues raised at national strategic planning level Lobby for/propose sector representation (expert) – NPC Use the WSLG as a credible platform for sector views and inputs Conclude the institutional realignment process to allow for proper and aligned planning
Water Sector Planning Sector to “forward” the NWRS as a long-term strategy with an annual report “Strategic Planning for WR” as the official, up-to-date reference document for the NPC (should be published as an NPC doc?). Additional plans must be explored to close existing gaps (regional, sectoral, etc) Communication of plans/information/strategies must be improved to ensure that planners (& those who influence planning) factor water availability in the assessment of options Iterative, well-timed and intensive planning processes must be promoted at local & provincial level Clear indicators and targets must be agreed/identified to inform monitoring and evaluation
Responding to the LGTAS WSLG endorses the proposed “strategy/submission” conditionally. The following concerns must be addressed: Financial viability of municipalities Focus on basic services alone is problematic and will limit or skew appropriate responses There is no clarity on HOW this Strategy will be effected, especially as there will be no additional budget allocated Continued sector engagement recognised; DWA with SALGA to represent sector views at the IGWG Strategy document to be reviewed to reflect inputs from the WSLG
So, how does the WSLG take these proposals forward? Are there clear actions to implement and report on at next meeting?
Turning proposals into actions WSLG must identify specific actions (not broad propositions) from the summary and assign these to existing task teams or a working group; where possible timeframes must be set for some concrete deliverables Proposals on specific actions to consider: – Hold a facilitated scenario planning session – Establish a team to work on a detailed Sector Position Paper that encapsulates all the inputs and proposals regarding improved sectoral & inter-sectoral planning – Revised strategy doc (LGTAS-water perspective) to be distributed
…remember “Always focus on what it takes to win the game – the GOLD MEDAL” Winning attributes focusing on pockets of excellence inclusive leadership
the big question is…. Are we in the Premier League, 2 nd Division or about to be relegated?
Thank You