Phosphocreatine energy System recap exercise. Q1. How long does this system provide ATP re-synthesis for? Q2. Name 2 +/- of this energy system. + = Fast ATP re-synthesis, No delay in Energy, provides energy for high intensity work, recovers quickly, No harmful by-products. - = Small amounts of PC stored, only lasts 10secs, only one mole of ATP re-synthesised from 1 mole of PC Q3. Name two sporting examples which predominantly use this energy system. What is your score out of 6?
The Lactic Acid energy system Aims: To know and understand the re-synthesis of ATP through this energy system. To know the advantages and disadvantages of this energy system. Be able to relate this energy system to relevant sporting examples.
Overview After 10 seconds of exercise, when our PC stores have been used up, our body needs to derive energy from other systems. When would the Lactic Acid system be used? When we exercise for longer than 10 seconds when we do not use Oxygen (anaerobic work lasting longer than 10 secs) With the person next to you discuss possible Sporting examples which use this energy system.
Food for energy The food we eat cannot directly be used as an energy source. What are the 3 food groups? Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose and stored within our muscles as Glycogen. The Glucose/Glycogen can then be used to re-synthesise ATP.
Anaerobic Glycolysis. “The process of breaking down glucose into Pyruvic acid, which releases two molecules of ATP” GLYCOGEN/GLUCOSE Sarcoplasm 2 ATP Enzymes LACTIC ACID PYRUVIC ACID Enzymes
With the person next to you discuss the possible advantages and disadvantages of this energy system. Relatively large amount of glycogen stored in our bodies so this system can provide more ATP than the PC system. The lactic acid produced reduces the pH of the muscle cell, which reduces the functioning of the enzymes which causes muscle fatigue Provides energy quickly and can last from 10-180 seconds for high intensity work Because O2 is not required, there is no delay in O2 being supplied from our lungs
Homework. Answer the exam question: Describe the lactic acid system of ATP production and give an example within a team game when this energy system is predominantly used [6 marks].