Percentages Recap
Calculating Percentages Method 1Method 2 Caluclate percentages in your head by dividing them up into ones you know. Eg, 29% of 85 10% of 85 = % of 85 = 8.5 × 3 = % of 85% = % = 25.5 – 0.85 = Caluclate percentages using a calculator by turning the percentage into a decimal. Eg, 29% of ÷× = 24.65
Now try some questions without using a calculator. (Method 1.)
15% 45% 17.5% 14% 78% 19% 110% 81% £10.95 £32.85 £59.13 £80.30 £13.87 £56.94 £10.22 £12.78
Now try some questions using a calculator. (Method two.)
Questions Difficult a)42% of £500 b)63% of 400 c)31% of £800 d)59% of £700 e)22% of £900 f)48% of £650 g)76% of £850 h)94% of £250 Medium a)30% of 500 b)76% of 200 c)55% of 120 d)81% of 240 e)35% of 80 f)45% of 60 g)95% of 130 h)19% of 300 Easy a)15% of 200 b)26% of 400 c)5% of 700 d)20% of 50 e)60% of 140 f)40% of 30 g)15% of 60 h)45% of