1 Setting the Town of Rockland Tax Rate The Process.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Setting the Town of Rockland Tax Rate The Process

2 Tax Recapitulation Form The Town of Rockland submits this form to the DOR in order to set a property tax rate. The recap sheet shows all estimated revenues and actual appropriations that affect the property tax rate. The recap sheet should be submitted to the DOR by September 1 (in order to issue the first-half semiannual property tax bills before October 1) or by December 1 (in order to issue the third quarterly property tax bills before January 1). The Town of Rockland submits this form to the DOR in order to set a property tax rate. The recap sheet shows all estimated revenues and actual appropriations that affect the property tax rate. The recap sheet should be submitted to the DOR by September 1 (in order to issue the first-half semiannual property tax bills before October 1) or by December 1 (in order to issue the third quarterly property tax bills before January 1).DORtax raterevenuesappropriationsquarterly property tax billsDORtax raterevenuesappropriationsquarterly property tax bills

3 The Tax Rate Recapitulation Form Is a four-page form where all information necessary to calculate the tax rates for a municipality is entered. Is a four-page form where all information necessary to calculate the tax rates for a municipality is entered. A button on Page 1 of this form allows an authorized user (normally the Director of Accounts) to approve the Tax Rate Recapitulation Form and thereby approve the municipal tax rates presented there. A button on Page 1 of this form allows an authorized user (normally the Director of Accounts) to approve the Tax Rate Recapitulation Form and thereby approve the municipal tax rates presented there.

4 The Tax Rate Recapitulation Form consists of the following pages: Page 1: Tax Rate Summary - shows the final calculation of the tax rate for each property class. Page 1: Tax Rate Summary - shows the final calculation of the tax rate for each property class. Page 2: Amounts to be Raised and Revenue Source Summary: Page 2: Amounts to be Raised and Revenue Source Summary: Part II - Amount to be Raised Part III - Estimated Receipts and Other Revenue Sources Part IV - Summary of Amounts to be Raised and Receipts from All Sources Part II - Amount to be Raised Part III - Estimated Receipts and Other Revenue Sources Part IV - Summary of Amounts to be Raised and Receipts from All Sources Page 3: Local Receipts Not Allocated Page 3: Local Receipts Not Allocated Page 4: Certification of Appropriations and Sources of Funding Page 4: Certification of Appropriations and Sources of Funding

5 The Gateway System displays the pages 4 thru 1 The DOR Tax Recap Form is presented in reverse order (Pages 4, 3, 2 and 1) to accurately reflect the correct data entry order for those authorized to enter data on an appropriate page. The DOR Tax Recap Form is presented in reverse order (Pages 4, 3, 2 and 1) to accurately reflect the correct data entry order for those authorized to enter data on an appropriate page. Note: When you view the completed data sheets by clicking on the web link they will be presented (Pages 1 - 4). Note: When you view the completed data sheets by clicking on the web link they will be presented (Pages 1 - 4).

6 Now click on the web link below to see pages 1 – 4, tax recap form. Now click on the web link below to see pages 1 – 4, tax recap form. Also view the LA-5, Classification Tax Allocation Report that list the tax rate by classification and the excess tax levy. Also view the LA-5, Classification Tax Allocation Report that list the tax rate by classification and the excess tax levy.

7 You now have viewed pages 1 – 4 More Information below. The Gateway Network Administrator grants page access to authorized individuals only. They must be qualified to enter data into that specific page form. The Gateway Network Administrator grants page access to authorized individuals only. They must be qualified to enter data into that specific page form. In Rockland the Gateway Network Administrator is the Town Accountant. In Rockland the Gateway Network Administrator is the Town Accountant. You will notice at the bottom of each page there are signatures, and a date. Those individuals only have the appropriate clearance authority to approve the page. You will notice at the bottom of each page there are signatures, and a date. Those individuals only have the appropriate clearance authority to approve the page. The individuals signature is an electronic signature. The individuals signature is an electronic signature.

8 Other forms that support the recap form. If you scrolled down after viewing the 4 pages of the recap you viewed the LA-5 report. LA-5, Classification Tax Allocation report is generated after the LA-4 is approved. This form indicates levy allocation by classification, including calculation of any locally adopted options. It is used by the Bureau of Accounts in the tax rate setting process. LA-5, Classification Tax Allocation report is generated after the LA-4 is approved. This form indicates levy allocation by classification, including calculation of any locally adopted options. It is used by the Bureau of Accounts in the tax rate setting process. Note: Some data is generated automatically during the LA-4 approval process. Note: Some data is generated automatically during the LA-4 approval process. All municipalities must submit the LA-5 with the tax Rate Recap as it is required in order to set a tax rate

9 Other forms that support recap form LA-5 (continued) Who completes the LA-5? The LA-5 is prepared by: The assessors (verify the valuations from the LA-4) The assessors (verify the valuations from the LA-4) The selectman (voting during annual classification hearing) The selectman (voting during annual classification hearing) The town clerk The town clerk Note: some data is generated automatically during the LA-4 approval process. Note: some data is generated automatically during the LA-4 approval process.

10 LA-5 Additional Requirements The town clerk enters information from the classification hearing in section 6 and signs where indicated The town clerk enters information from the classification hearing in section 6 and signs where indicated The Board of Selectman enter the date, time and location of the classification hearing in section 7 The Board of Selectman enter the date, time and location of the classification hearing in section 7 The levy excess capacity is entered in section 8 The levy excess capacity is entered in section 8 The selectman preparing the form must sign where indicated after reviewing all the information. The selectman preparing the form must sign where indicated after reviewing all the information.

11 FY2009 Tax Rate Recap Instructions and Certain Supporting Forms USER GUIDE Available on the Department of Revenue, Division of Local Services website. Available on the Department of Revenue, Division of Local Services website. Click on web link below. It may tax a few minutes to appear: It may tax a few minutes to appear: ma.gov/pdf/BOA/FY2009RecapProFormaU serGuide.pdf ma.gov/pdf/BOA/FY2009RecapProFormaU serGuide.pdf