Student Assessment and Data Analysis Oakland Schools MAEDS 2005 Tammy L. Evans
MAEDS 6 October Why are educators so fired up about data? How do we know if teachers are teaching our curriculum? How do we maximize the value of dollars spent for assessment and data management? Are all of our students achieving at acceptable levels? Superintendents ask…
MAEDS 6 October Professional learning communities ask What is it we want our students to know and be able to do? How will we know when they have learned it? What will we do when students are not learning?
MAEDS 6 October Why are educators so fired up about “data”? Improving Student Achievement!
MAEDS 6 October Creating some common language about data in schools What are the major systems? How are they related? What have districts done? Where do we want to go?
MAEDS 6 October Assessment Systems Student Information Systems Data analysis systems Data warehouse 4 Major Data & Technology Systems in Schools Oakland Schools focus is on Assessment and Analysis (see Data warehouse PP on CD)
MAEDS 6 October SAS DAT PURPOSE Student Assessment System & Data Analysis Tool Improve teaching and increase learning for all Useful reports for teachers, principals and district administration Common assessments tied to GLCEs Item banks tied to GLCEs Multiple district on-ramps
MAEDS 6 October What is an Assessment System? Tool for gathering achievement information It is assessing what is going on in classrooms.
MAEDS 6 October Who needs what data? Administrators, public, legislators – Evaluation – Accountability – Long range planning Teachers, parents, students – Diagnosis – Prescription – Placement – Short range planning – Very specific ach info e.g., What percent met standards on 4 th grade MEAP math? Are students doing better this year than they were doing last year? e.g., Who understood this concept? Why is Becky having trouble reading? A single assessment cannot meet all needs. Large Grain Size Fine Grain Size
MAEDS 6 October Oakland Schools’ Path to Student Achievement Fall 2004 – Meetings with focus groups, create RFP Oct 2004 – Meeting with Assessment, Curriculum and Technology directors from Oakland districts to discuss requirements, including multiple “on ramps” June 2005 deadline
MAEDS 6 October The RFP Input gathered from LEA focus groups in Curriculum, Assessment, Instruction and Technology RFP authored at Oakland Schools through a collaboration between Career Focused Education, Learning Services, Research Evaluation and Assessment, Purchasing, School Quality and Technology Services. Draft copy provided to LEA Technology and Assessment Directors for input. Click here for details of the RFPRFP Click here for details of the vendor pricing submittedvendor pricing submitted
MAEDS 6 October The Committee OCSA charged Oakland Schools and LEAs to move forward on acquisition of assessment and analysis system. The RFP evaluation committee was formed, consisting of ISD and LEA staff representing Assessment, Curriculum and Technology. Representatives from OCREAC, Teaching and Learning Council, Oakland County Technology Directors, OCSA Instruction &Technology subcommittee. Committee members were from Berkley, Huron Valley, Lamphere, Lake Orion, Troy, Novi, South Lyon, Walled Lake and West Bloomfield.
MAEDS 6 October ISD Collaboration Jan 2005 – Oakland Schools and Wayne RESA met to review strategic goals around assessment and data analysis. Joint RFP was created Wayne RESA joined RFP evaluation committee Wayne RESA and Oakland Schools separated scoring and recommendation for individual needs and approvals.
MAEDS 6 October The evaluation begins 10 vendors responded to the RFP The committee met to review the responses. The committee chose three vendors for demonstrations Click here for the Debriefing Voting Results.Debriefing Voting Results.
MAEDS 6 October The demonstrations Vendors were asked to cover specific points.specific points Half day demonstrations for each vendor were held at Farmington Training Center on March 10 & 11, All Oakland Schools LEAs were invited to send representatives to the demonstrations. Over 100 participants reviewed the products and were asked to complete a survey. – Click here for the Survey results. Click here for the Survey results.
MAEDS 6 October Further evaluation After the demonstrations, the committee met to discuss the products and created a pros/cons list for each vendor. Using an audience response system, the group prioritized the functionality of the products and rated each vendor on those functional areas. (see SAS-DAT PP on CD for full presentation.)(see SAS-DAT PP on CD for full presentation.) Click here for the Functionality SummaryFunctionality Summary
MAEDS 6 October
MAEDS 6 October
MAEDS 6 October Vendor References A subcommittee was formed to conduct reference interviews. Included committee members from Huron Valley, South Lyon, Walled Lake and West Bloomfield and Oakland Schools Plato – two references, EduSoft – two references, Pearson – three references Click here for the Reference QuestionsReference Questions The reference information was synthesized and presented to the committee on April 11. Click here for the Reference Call SummaryReference Call Summary
MAEDS 6 October Further Analysis Reviewed goals of RFP Reviewed priority & ranking from vendor demonstrations Reviewed vendor reference calls Reviewed pricing
MAEDS 6 October The Evaluation Filled out evaluation sheets – Click here for the Evaluation FormEvaluation Form Results tallied: – Plato4680 – EduSoft4350 – Pearson5720
MAEDS 6 October Site Visit May 4, 2005 – Putnam City Schools, OK Met with Curriculum Director, principals to review product in use.
MAEDS 6 October Facilitated Product Demonstration May 5, 2005 – Oakland Schools SAS-DAT Committee members were invited to participate in a test drive of Benchmark and Inform.
MAEDS 6 October Principal’s Dashboard
MAEDS 6 October Teacher’s Dashboard
MAEDS 6 October Parent’s / Student’s Dashboard
MAEDS 6 October Oakland Schools Support Models defined to support diverse needs of districts and multiple on-ramps Monetary support Curriculum, Item Banks, and Assessments delivered to all districts
MAEDS 6 October The Partnership Created Benchmark “Lite” – Host for Oakland Schools’ Standard curriculum Units / Lesson plans Assessments – MCF – Michigan Curriculum Framework – Common assessments tied to GLCEs – Item banks tied to GLCEs – Allows districts to create assessments Benchmark “Full” – administer tests (scan or web based) – report scoring Inform – Analyzes test responses down to the individual student
MAEDS 6 October Where we are now… Conversion for 27 of 29 districts Training Implementation! August Sharing experience with other MI districts. – Contract allows for state purchase – Increased participation reduces cost for all
MAEDS 6 October MACUL 2006 Presentation will cover… Success stories Lessons Learned Examples of classroom assessment Examples of analysis Website and demonstration
MAEDS 6 October Questions