Social implications recap L.O. To recap on the terms moral panic, homogenisation and the hypodermic needle theory and gain further understanding of colonialism and how they all affect representations of black people as a whole and in film.
Starter What is… The hypodermic theory? A moral panic? Colonialism? Homogenisation? Hegemony?
What ideas of black people do these images display?
Hypodermic Theory The theory suggests that the mass media could influence a very large group of people directly and uniformly by ‘shooting’ or ‘injecting’ them with messages designed to trigger a response. Think of areas where this could be reflected in any of the case study films.
What is a Moral Panic? A moral panic is the intensity of feeling expressed in a population about an issue that appears to threaten the social order. Do you think that any of the films studied would have caused this? Consider the articles you read for homework.
What is colonialism? An extension of a nations rule of territory beyond its borders. A population that is subjected to the political domination of another population. If this defines colonialism what would you consider post colonialism? What does all this mean in terms of representation? Which theoretical ideas would indicate direct influences of this system and these experiences?
Audience Reception Theory A preferred reading (or dominant system of response) is a way of understanding the text that is consistent with the ideas and intentions of the producer or creator of the product. This may lead to an acceptance of the dominant values within the text. With a negotiated reading (or subordinate response) the individual has a choice as to whether or not they accept the preferred reading as their own. Audience members may read the text though the filter of their own personal agenda. Although there may be an acceptance of the dominant values and existing social structure, the individual may be prepared to argue that a particular social group may be unfairly represented. In an oppositional reading (or radical response) individual members of an audience may completely reject the preferred reading of the dominant code and the social values that produced it. An aberrant reading is where an entirely different meaning from that intended by the maker will be taken form the text. This could be when individual members of the audience do not share, in any way, the values of the maker of the text.
Task read through the article
Task: Peer Assessment Question How does the media instill fear of black people through different media representations? Do you think that colonialism is responsible for the representations of today?
Peer Assessment Criteria Your response must include: Reference to both moral panic and the hypodermic theory with some reference to audience reception and some reference to colonialism and/or post colonialism. You must refer to actual media related examples; case study films, articles, other films, media you know of. You should also refer to theory we have already discussed in class; e.g. Stuart Hall, bell hooks, Paul Gilroy etc Link to AO1, AO2, 1,2,3, 4
H/W: Any changes over time? Put the following characters into Stuart Hall and Propp’s characterisation categories. How have the characters progressed over a period of time? Have they changed at all? Discuss. Dwayne Chambers Willie Boy Blue Trife/Trevor Leon Chambers Beefy Errol Sam
What have we learned? What is a moral panic? What is the hypodermic needle theory? What is colonialism? What affect has colonialism had on the way black people are represented?