SXSW Interactive Recap 2014 Emily J. Hurst, MSLS Technology Coordinator National Network of Libraries of Medicine South Central Region TMC Library Houston,
THE FUTURE OF CITIZEN SCIENCE Crowd science, crowd-sourced science, civic science, networked science 11 of top 35 Indiegogo projects are citizen science (all time) Data ownership, privacy, ethics, regulation, coordination, nonprofit/for profit/gov
Science Exchange - Kaggle - BioCurious - - Marblar - Transcriptic - SciStarter - CITIZEN SCIENCE RESOURCES
#DigitalTMI #fitfuture #HealthTech #TechValue #bodyometer #23andMe #HealthViz #UX4health #wearableRx #SXHealth #Mhealth #ieeeARinOR #WearFacts Wearables – Tracking Personal Health Data Design HEALTH/TECHNOLOGY TRENDS
#LinkSF For-profit/non-profit collaboration Mobile design Unique usability testing Consumer health resources & information MOBILE TECH SOLUTIONS FOR THE MARGINALIZED