Ascension Evangelical Lutheran Church ~2015 Annual Congregational Meeting~ January 25, :00 am (Childcare for children of all ages.)
~2015 Annual Congregational Meeting~ CALL TO ORDER Gretchen Rockafellow, Congregational Council President
~2015 Annual Congregational Meeting~ Opening Devotion Pastor Terri Driver-Bishop, Interim Pastor
~ 2015 Annual Congregational Meeting~ Approval of 2014 Annual Congregational Meeting Minutes
2015 Annual Congregational Meeting Introduction of Council Nominees Rob DeMuth, Nominating Committee Chair
~2015 Annual Congregational Meeting~ Election of 2015 Congregational Council Members Please vote for 4 nominees.
~2015 Annual Congregational Meeting~ President’s Report
PASTORS’ REPORT ~2015 Annual Congregational Meeting~
Staff Reports
~2015 Annual Congregational Meeting~ Annual Reports of Committees
2015 Annual Congregational Meeting 2014 Financial Recap and 2015 Budget Jane Anthon – Treasurer Roger Fiery – Chair, Finance Committee
2015 Annual Congregational Meeting 2014 Recap
~2015 Annual Congregational Meeting~ 2014 Recap Results vs. Budget Highlights Total income was as expected, aided by non-recurring income of $5,000 Excess property expense of $15,000 was offset by less than anticipated personnel costs ($8,000) and savings in all other expenses ActualBudgetVariance Total income (offerings & all other) $664,000$663,000$ 1,000 Total expenses 663,000661,000(2,000) Surplus $ 1,000$ 2,000$(1,000)
~2015 Annual Congregational Meeting~ 2014 Recap Year-End Cash Position General fund cash - $282,000, which is similar to recent years All of this amount is “unrestricted” (can be spent for the operations of the church)
~2015 Annual Congregational Meeting~ 2014 Recap FaithLift Mortgage (payments continue until 2032) Balance at End of 2013$245, Contributions109, Mortgage Payments (P and I) -107,000 Balance at End of 2014$247,000 Principal Balance at End of 2013$1,278,000 Scheduled Principal Payments-48,000 Additional Principal Payments -5,000 Principal Balance at End of 2014$1,225,000
~2015 Annual Congregational Meeting~ 2014 Recap Offering and Expense Pattern
2015 Annual Congregational Meeting 2015 Budget
2015 Annual Congregational Meeting Finance Committee establishes protocols and guidelines Committees submit budget amounts under multiple scenarios Finance Committee establishes target income Initial budget proposal developed and submitted to Council Initial proposal refined based on actual results for 2014 Final budget approved by Council TODAY VOTE OF CONGREGATION 2015 Budget Process
2015 Annual Congregational Meeting Highlights of 2015 Budget Income – 2015 budgeted income based on 2014 actual (exclusive of non-recurring amount) Personnel costs – reduction in personnel costs due to interim arrangements; offset by salary increases and higher health insurance costs Property – funds earmarked for parish house roof repairs; provision for future capital items Benevolences – unchanged from 2014 Other expenses – establishment of technology budget; costs related to transition and call processes
Ballot Vote for Proposed 2015 Budget Please vote YES or NO for the proposed 2015 budget (includes both the General Operating Budget and the Nursery School Budget) Yes_______ No_______
~2015 Annual Congregational Meeting~ Transition Team Dot Aldrich, Co-Chair James Deriu, Co-Chair Michael Brown Betsy Amey Lisa McGill, Council Liaison Donna Mollenkopf Krissy Golden Ventre Rob DeMuth
2015 Annual Congregational Council Results of Proposed 2015 Budget Ballot Vote
2015 Annual Congregational Meeting Results of 2015 Congregational Council Election
~2015 Annual Congregational Meeting~ Closing Prayer Pastor Alan Traher