Multiple benefits
Multiple benefits - recap SSSI condition – 98.6% favourable condition (PSA target) Biodiversity Action Plan Targets SCAMP has brought 12,322 ha of BB within SSSIs into management toward favorable condition, representing c. 3% of the UK Priority BAP target for ha of degraded BB and 83km of eroding gullies and grips are being restored under SCAMP in the Peak District – achieving 15% of the PD degraded BB BAP target. 19.9ha of Upland Heath has been restored, contributing 20% of the Lancashire UH BAP target. Establishment of 9.3 km of new native species hedgerows across SCAMP achieves 1% of the total national target for all of the UK (including N Ireland) ha of degraded Upland Hay Meadow in Bowland brought into favourable management by SCAMP since Improvements are being monitored and if successful across the full area would deliver 90% of the UK BAP target for ha new native broadleaved woodland planted- - contributing 109% (more than all) of the Peak District BAP 2010 target.
Multiple benefits – recap Improved water quality Colour Suspended solids Tenant farming viability
Multiple benefits – reduction in risk Catchment Abstraction & Treatment Storage & Distribution Customer DWSP
Multiple benefits – reduction in risk InterventionTotalWQ parameter protected Watercourse protected (m) by removing stock access 70,609 Pathogens, Suspended solids (SS), nutrients Stock reduction of cattle233Pathogens, SS, nutrients Stock reduction of ewes2,321Pathogens, SS Stock reduction lambs582 Pathogens, SS, especially cryptosporidium In-wintering cattle in buildings with an associated muck handling facilities 526Pathogens, SS, nutrients In-wintering sheep in buildings with an associated muck handling facilities 223 Pathogens, SS Ewes lambing indoors in new or converted buildings 2,852 Pathogens, SS, especially cryptosporidium SSSI Moorland restoration / enhancement (ha) 10,902 Colour, SS Bare Peat restoration (ha)109SS and colour
Multiple benefits – reduction in risk InterventionTotalWQ parameter protected Grips Blocked (km) to aid re-wetting of peat 85SS and colour Bracken Control (ha) to stop encroachment on moorland 82Colour Water Troughs so animals do not access streams directly 89 Pathogens, SS, nutrients Buildings for over wintering, lambing or muck handling 20 Pathogens, SS Walling (m) to control stock movement and access 5,603 Pathogens, SS Fencing (m) to control stock movement and access 189,071Pathogens, SS
Multiple benefits – food and fibre production
Supporting the rural community Keeping farmers farming Increased opportunities for contractors Ecotourism Multiple benefits – social and economic wellbeing
Multiple benefits – carbon sequestration Estate Peat soil Area Km 2 Carbon Stock (Mtonnes C) Current uptake (tonnes C/y) Idealised gain (tonnes C/y) South938.87,88013,937 Bowland ,34912,397
DOC carbon loss by year – Upper Goyt monitoring catchment Total DOC loss per year Mean DOC loss per day Median DOC loss per day DOC loss kg/year/he ctare September September ,562kg213kg70kg92kg September September ,590kg151kg52kg66kg September September ,491kg119kg42kg52kg Multiple benefits – carbon sequestration decrease in the levels of carbon in dissolved form year on year 43% drop in the DOC loss between the first and second year equivalent of that produced by nine Ford Focus cars driving 20,000km per year, or 239 car kilometres per hectare of catchment per year
Multiple benefits – Recreation
Multiple benefits – landscape
Multiple benefits – Heritage
Multiple benefits – climate stabilisation
United Utilities Corporate Responsibility Policy Identify opportunities for environmental enhancement that are outside of regulatory requirements; Invest to improve environmental water quality in line with regulatory requirements; and Endeavour to protect and enhance natural habitats and biodiversity as part of the way we manage our operational sites and land holdings. United Utilities Strategic Direction Statement We want to extend SCaMP-type approaches to other catchment land we own and promote its use on other catchments which we do not own but on which we nevertheless rely for water supplies. We are hopeful that these sensitive, low impact techniques will become the norm. Multiple benefits – supporting company policies
WFD North West River Basin Management Plan - Nutrients; Organic pollutants; Sediments (as a direct pollutant) Extend Water company's Sustainable Catchment Management Plans (SCAMP) to other Water company land assets where it may benefit the water quality Solway Tweed River Basin management Plan – English Measures -Reduce pollution and colour impacts on drinking water supply through Sustainable Catchment Management Programme 2 (SCaMP) on United Utilities’ tenanted farms – Water quality, Diffuse pollution (general ), Agriculture/rural land management Agri-environment schemes Defra’s Demonstration Catchment Project – Eden NE - Vital Uplands NE Ecosystem Services Pilot - Worsethorne Multiple benefits – supporting governmental and European policies and legislation UU Capital expenditure on farm plan implementation (£m) UU Grant received (£m) Bowland£3.59£0.66 Southern£5.78£2.14
Capital costs Stabilising raw water colour on catchment may result in less need to upgrade the receiving WTW A number of works have been identified as requiring upgrading (chemical dosing, sludge) or replacement within the next 10 years Reduction in investment in future technologies for treatment for colour Operational costs A stabilisation in water colour could avoid future increases in cost of treatment chemical, power, disposal of sludge Multiple benefits – avoided future costs
Multiple benefits – pilot SCaMP 1 Monitoring results beginning to show benefits of catchment interventions Supported SCaMP 2 and non-owned catchment schemes Opportunity to demonstrate to regulators, farmers, NGO’s and other land owners catchment management in action on a landscape scale BBC television programme Country File and the BBC Radio 4 programme Costing the Earth. Increased others knowledge of water company issues Promoted close working relationships with regulators and other non-governmental organisations
Sustainable water resources are at the heart of the multi-benefit approach of SCaMP. Supports DWSP approach – risk management. Building on the SCaMP 1 success we have developed SCaMP 2 and are extending the approach in conjunction with the National Trust and Moors for the Future non-owned land. Sustainable catchment management on drinking water catchment in the uplands is a win-win scenario for the consumer and society Multiple benefits – summary