1 MJP56022 Moral Philosophy Immanuel Kant “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do.” Confucius “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do.” Confucius
2 MJP56022 Moral Philosophy Immanuel Kant Our Learning… Recap Learning Learn about Kant’s equations – two formulations of the Categorical Imperative. Our Learning… Recap Learning Learn about Kant’s equations – two formulations of the Categorical Imperative.
3 MJP56022 Moral Philosophy Immanuel Kant Recap Learning
4 MJP56022 Moral Philosophy Immanuel Kant FOR KANT… We have freedom – therefore we need to be moral. Morality can’t be subjective Reason (intellect) is the ultimate judge / authority. Goodwill is the only intrinsically good thing. Duty is King for Kant. FOR KANT… We have freedom – therefore we need to be moral. Morality can’t be subjective Reason (intellect) is the ultimate judge / authority. Goodwill is the only intrinsically good thing. Duty is King for Kant.
5 MJP56022 Moral Philosophy Immanuel Kant Kant says that every time we come up against a moral dilemma, we should shorten that moral dilemma to produce a MAXIM – which is a proposed rule of action we can deduce from the dilemma…. E.G. A nasty big bully has just punched me on the nose. I want to punch him back, so I will. MAXIM – Use force on someone if they have used force on you… or …. Revenge is ok. Kant says that every time we come up against a moral dilemma, we should shorten that moral dilemma to produce a MAXIM – which is a proposed rule of action we can deduce from the dilemma…. E.G. A nasty big bully has just punched me on the nose. I want to punch him back, so I will. MAXIM – Use force on someone if they have used force on you… or …. Revenge is ok.
6 MJP56022 Moral Philosophy Immanuel Kant An Imperative is a command. A hypothetical imperative contains an ‘if’. A moral imperative is a moral command which is conditional upon nothing else. A categorical imperative is what Kant used to test maxims. If the maxim passes, it is our duty to act.
7 MJP56022 Moral Philosophy Immanuel Kant If you had studied economics, you will have learned that, when making anything, you have the following diagram…. INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT
8 MJP56022 Moral Philosophy Immanuel Kant Well – we kind of have to do the same kind of diagram to understand Kants Categorical Imperative… INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT MAXIM CATEGORICAL IMPERATIVES WHETHER KANT THINKS WE MUST ACT OR NOT ACT
9 MJP56022 Moral Philosophy Immanuel Kant Pages 25 – 27 of the Notes Page 28 Exercise Pages 25 – 27 of the Notes Page 28 Exercise
10 MJP56022 Moral Philosophy Immanuel Kant FIRST FORMULATION “ Act only on the maxim through which you can, at the same time, will that it be a universal law” FIRST FORMULATION “ Act only on the maxim through which you can, at the same time, will that it be a universal law” THE UNIVERSAL LAW UNIVERSALISABILITY
11 MJP56022 “ Act only on the maxim through which you can, at the same time, will that it be a universal law” Moral Philosophy Immanuel Kant TREAT PEOPLE AS YOU WOULD LIKE THEM TO TREAT YOU THE GOLDEN RULE
12 MJP56022 Moral Philosophy Immanuel Kant You need to learn these definitions off by heart…
14 MJP56022 Moral Philosophy Immanuel Kant Our Learning… Recap Learning Learn about Kant’s equations – two formulations of the Categorical Imperative. Our Learning… Recap Learning Learn about Kant’s equations – two formulations of the Categorical Imperative.