WELCOME TO TAU BETA PI! Meeting 1 February 3, :30 PM CSE E121
President: Welcome to Tau Beta Pi! TBP is the oldest engineering honor society Founded in 1885 at Lehigh University Purpose: To honor engineering students with high scholarship and character 241 collegiate chapters 33 active alumni chapters Florida Alpha Chapter Founded in 1961 and first chapter in Florida Awarded “RC Matthews Most Outstanding Chapter” NINE times! Member of District 5 with Puerto Rico, Georgia, and South Carolina Officer Introductions
President: Welcome to Tau Beta Pi! Our 53 Fall 2014 Initiates Our symbol, the Bent
President: Our Website Events RSVP to an event Candidates How to Join Important Dates Progress Paperwork Instructions Candidate FAQ Members Benefits Officers
President: Scholarship Opportunities TBP Scholarship: 220 scholarships at $2,000 each! Due April 1 st, must be full-time undergraduate in Fall and Spring $1,000 if Fall only Current candidates are eligible, as long as initiated this semester! Florida Alpha Active Member Scholarship: $250! tinyurl.com/activescholar Due at 11:59 PM on March 31 st Requirements: Be active: attend Member Meeting, Candidate Election, Officer Elections, and one other “non-meeting” event Attend one E-Futures event Your level of activity will be taken into account TBP Laureate: $2,500 and trip to Convention!
Eligibility Requirements Attend 3 out of 4 general body meetings Not required to attend Meeting 3 (Candidate Election) Attend at least one social Complete 6 hours of community service with TBP Attend one GatorTRAX session (3 out of 6 hours) Complete informal interview Attend the Electee Only social Fill out a Catalog Card Pay one-time $100 dues by Meeting 4 Attend Initiation!
Graduate Coordinator Graduate paperwork due Wednesday, February 11 th by 5 PM Questions? Contact Felipe at
Padfolios $15 each (cash or check to TBP) Available tonight or at the TBP office (Weil 278)
BEC Representitave Career Showcase: Technical Day February 4 th 9am- 3pm, O-Dome SWE Evening with Industry February 4 th 5:30 – 7PM, Ustler Hall Harris, Dow, Intel, Microsoft, CIA, Pratt & Whitney, General Electric Send resumes to to be put on a CD for the IIE Accenture Info Session February 11 th 7:15 – 8:15 PM in CSE E221
BEC Representitave E-Week begins February 12 th ! Chiles Elementary School’s "Engineering Night" at 6:30 – 7:30pm on February 19 th Need as many engineering disciplines as possible! Contact Amy Haberman for more
E-Futures February 8 th at 1 PM in NPB 1101 (Team Chartering) Open to ALL students (even non-TBP, non-engineering, etc) so please invite people to come out! Non-pizza lunch will be provided There is no cost to attend! RSVP at
GatorTRAX Elementary/Middle School GatorTRAX Saturday, February 21 st from 9 AM – 12 PM in Weil 270 Please arrive at 8:45 AM High School GatorTRAX Circuit Scribe Event at Eastside High School Feb 17 th (10:15 – 11:55 AM) and Feb 18 th (12:55 – 2:40 PM) Sign-up with the Google form online
Service Chairs First Adopt-A-Street clean-up is this Saturday, February 7 th Meet at the commuter lot at 9 AM to carpool Sign-up: Project Makeover: February 22 nd from 9 AM – 12 PM
Tutoring for Engineering Excellence Tutoring sessions are Wednesdays from 6 – 8 PM in Marston L308 starting this week Those who have already qualified to tutor are free to come and tutor for any tutoring session Those who have not yet qualified may come to a tutoring session to take a qualifying exam in chemistry, physics, or calculus Questions: Contact Ben or Elliot
Tau Beta Pi Day Pi Run Committee Publicity Chair: advertising through COE, flyering, managing on- line sign up. Volunteers Chair: receive volunteer requests, organize shifts for race day. Equipment Chair: order tables, running clocks, bibs. Contact radio station. Contact Josh Wagner if you would like to
Dates / Job Opportunities
THANK YOU! Next Meeting: February 17, 2015 at 7:30 PM CSE E121