2013 State Accountability System Allen ISD
State Accountability under TAKS program: Four Ratings: Exemplary, Recognized, Academically Acceptable, Academically Unacceptable Fewer student groups included Rating was determined by the lowest performing student group State Accountability: Old vs. New State Accountability Under STAAR Program: Two Ratings: Met Standard and Improvement Required More student groups included Rating reflects overall performance for the campus or district
Performance Index Framework Provides an overall summary of the school’s performance at the Level II (Satisfactory) performance standard on the STAAR across all grade levels, all tests, and all subject areas tested. OVERALL PERCENT PASSING Credits schools for demonstrating progress on the student growth measure that will be developed for the STAAR assessments following the spring 2013 administration. MOVING STUDENTS FORWARD Focuses on the economically disadvantaged student group and the two lowest performing race/ethnicity groups for the campus or district, recognizing performance gains in these groups. IMPROVING PERFORMANCE FOR LOWEST PERFORMING GROUPS Combines the following measures: postsecondary readiness performance on STAAR (Level II Final Standard), high school 4yr/5yr graduation rates, and RHSP/DAP graduates. POSTSECONDARY READINESS Index 2: Student Progress Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness Index 3: Closing Performance Gaps Index 1: Student Achievement District All Campuses District All Campuses District All Campuses District High School Campuses 2013
Performance Index Framework 4 What is a Performance Index? Each measure contributes points to an index score. Districts and campuses are required to meet one accountability target — the total index score – on each of the four indices. With a Performance Index, the resulting rating reflects overall performance for the campus or district rather than the weakest performance of one student group/subject area. Multiple indices are used in the framework to ensure accountability for every student. Any number of indicators and student groups can be added to the system without creating additional targets for campuses and districts to meet.
Performance Index Criteria 5 2013 Rating Labels: Met Standard – met performance index targets Met Alternative Standard – met modified performance index targets for alternative education campuses and districts Improvement Required – did not meet one or more performance index targets. To receive a Met Standard rating, all campuses and districts must meet the following accountability targets on all indices for which they have performance data in * Target will be set at about the fifth percentile of campus performance and will be applied to both campuses and districts. Performance Index Targets (in points) Non-AEA Campuses and Districts AEA Campuses and Districts Index 1: Student Achievement Index 2: Student Progress above the 5 th percentile* Index 3: Closing Performance Gaps Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness 75 45
Overview of Performance Index Framework (2013 AISD Data) 6 Index 2: Student Progress Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness Index 3: Closing Performance Gaps Index 1: Student Achievement Index Score 38 Index Score 95 Index Score 87 Index Score 93 *Target for districts * 2013 – Allen ISD and all campuses Met Standard
Index 1: Student Achievement 7 Index 1 Student Achievement provides an overview of student performance based on satisfactory student achievement across all subjects for all students and all tests. What is our overall percent passing? Subjects: Combined over Reading, Mathematics, Writing, Science, and Social Studies. Student Groups: All Students only Performance Standards: Level II (Satisfactory) at Current Phase In Level To count toward this index score, student must attain a Level II: Satisfactory score (at the current Phase-In standard)
Since Index 1 has only one indicator, the Total Index Points and Index Score are the same: Index Score = Total Index Points Total Index Points is the percentage of assessments that met the Phase-in Level II Standard. *Each percent of students meeting the Phase-in Level II performance standard contributes one point to the index. Index scores range from 0 to 100 for all campuses and districts. 8 Index 1: Student Achievement Allen ISD Data: ReadingMathematicsWritingScience Social Studies Total % Met Level II Students Met Phase-in Level II 12,418+12,374+5,054+6,788+5,378=42,012 93%93* Students Tested 13,168+13,089+6,068+7,129+5,745=45,199 Index Score93
9 Index 2: Student Progress separates measures of student progress from measures of student achievement to provide an opportunity for diverse campuses to show the improvements they are making independent of overall achievement levels. Growth is evaluated by subject and student group. By Subject Area: Reading, Mathematics, and Writing for available grades. 10 Groups: All Students, 7 Race/Ethnicity Groups, Special Education, ELLs. Minimum Size: At least 25 test results. Credit based on weighted performance: Two point credit given for each percentage of students at the Exceeded growth expectations level. One point credit given for each percentage of students at the Met growth expectations level. No point credit given for each percentage of students at the Did Not Meet growth expectations level. Are our students moving forward and making progress each year? Index 2: Student Progress
IndicatorAll African Amer. HispanicWhite Amer. Indian Asian Pacific Islander Two or More Special Ed. ELL Total Points Max. Points Number of Tests9, ,0925,527511, Met or Exceeded Growth Expectation Level 6, ,945341, Exceeded Growth Expectation Level 2, , Percent of Tests: Met or Exceeded Expectation 72%65%69%71%67%81% 73%59%45% Percent of Tests: Exceeded Expectation 23%16%19%22%24%32%15%21%13%6% Weighted Growth Rate Allen ISD Data for READING: Index 2: Student Progress
IndicatorAll African Amer. HispanicWhite Amer. Indian Asian Pacific Islander Two or More Special Ed. ELL Total Points Max. Points STAAR Reading Weighted Growth Rate* STAAR Mathematics Weighted Growth Rate STAAR Writing Weighted Growth Rate Total Index Score (total points divided by maximum points)38 11 Allen ISD Data: *Two points are awarded for students exceeding the growth rate Index 2: Student Progress
Index 3: Closing Performance Gaps 12 Index 3: Closing Performance Gaps emphasizes advanced academic achievement of economically disadvantaged students and the two lowest performing race/ethnicity student groups. By Subject Area: Reading, Mathematics, Writing, Science, and Social Studies. Student Groups: Socioeconomic: Economically Disadvantaged Minimum size: None Lowest Performing Race/Ethnicity: The two lowest performing race/ ethnicity student groups on the campus or district (based on prior-year assessment results). Minimum size: At least 25 test results Are our lowest performing student groups making gains in their achievement?
Index 3: Closing Performance Gaps 13 STAAR Reading Weighted Performance Rate Economically Disadvantaged Lowest Performing Race/Ethnic Group – African American Lowest Performing Race/Ethnic Group – American Indian Total Points Maximum Points Number of Tests 1,9381,34470 Performance Results: Phase-in Level II Satisfactory and above Number Percent 1,724 89% 1,174 87% 65 93% Level III Advanced Number Percent Reading Weighted Performance Rate Allen ISD Data for Reading: Shaded areas are not evaluated in 2013
STAAR Weighted Performance Rate Economically Disadvantaged Lowest Performing Race/Ethnic Group – African American Lowest Performing Race/Ethnic Group – American Indian Total Points Maximum Points Reading Weighted Performance Rate* Mathematics Weighted Performance Rate Writing Weighted Performance Rate Science Weighted Performance Rate Social Studies Weighted Performance Rate Total Index Score (total points divided by maximum points)87 14 Allen ISD Data: *Two points are awarded for students at the Level III Advanced performance level. Index 3: Closing Performance Gaps
Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness emphasizes the importance for students to receive a high school diploma that provides them with the foundation necessary for success in college, the workforce, job training programs, or the military; and the role of elementary and middle schools in preparing students for high school. Index 4 Includes: Post-Secondary Readiness High School Graduation Rates and Diploma Plans Post-Secondary Readiness (included in 2014 and beyond) STAAR Percent Met Level II at Final Performance Standard on One or More Tests Combined over All Subjects: Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness 15 Shaded areas are not evaluated in 2013
16 High School Graduation Rates and Diploma Plans Graduation Score: Combined performance across the graduation and dropout rates for: Grade 9-12 Four-Year Graduation Rate for All Students and all student groups OR Grade 9-12 Five-Year Graduation Rate for All Students and all student groups, whichever contributes the higher number of points to the index. RHSP/DAP Graduates for All Students and race/ethnicity student groups For high schools that do not have a graduation rate, the annual dropout rate and STAAR Final Level II performance contribute points to the index. For elementary and middle schools, only STAAR Final Level II performance contributes points to the index. Are we preparing students satisfactorily for the next grade or course (elementary) or for their postsecondary pathways (secondary)? Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness
17 Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness IndicatorAll African Amer. HispanicWhite American Indian Asian Pacific Islander Two or More Special Ed. ELL Total Points Max. Points 4-year graduation rate 98.0%96.8%97.5%98.5%100.0%96.2%92.9%97.5% year graduation rate 98.9%100.0%98.1%98.7%100.0%98.2%90.6%100.0% RHSP/DAP91.9%84.4%92.5%92.8%99.1%88.2% Graduation Total Graduation Score (graduation total points divided by maximum points) and beyond: STAAR % Met Level II Satisfactory at Final Performance Standard on one or more tests STAAR Score (STAAR total points divided by maximum points) Index Score is the Average of Graduation Score and STAAR Score: ( ) / 2 = 5595 Allen ISD Data:
18 Ensures that no area or student group gets “lost” within the aggregated performance indices Also in place to meet additional federal accountability requirements that are not met in the performance index Only indicators that meet minimum size criteria are available Reports disaggregated performance, participation, and graduation rates for each subject and student group Also includes limits on use of STAAR Alternate and STAAR Modified Any indicator within the system safeguards that does not meet target must be addressed in the campus or district improvement plan Performance Indices drive our rating – System Safeguards drive our intervention System Safeguards
IndicatorAll African Amer. HispanicWhite Amer. Indian Asian Pacific Islander Two or More Eco. Disadv. Special Ed ELL Performance Rates Reading94%87%91%96%91%98%92%94%87%76%80% Mathematics95%88%92%95%91%98%95%94%89%75%84% Writing83%70%75%85%82%94%89%82%70%56%58% Science95%88%91%97%93%98%96%97%89%78%77% Social Studies94%87%90%95%94%98%100%92%88%77% Participation Rates Reading99% 100%98%100%99% 100% Mathematics100% 99%100% 99% Federal Graduation Rates 4-year98%96% 98%80%100% 96%94%92%93% 5-year99%100%98%99%100% 98%100%91%97% District Limits on Use of Alternative Assessment Results Reading Modified2%Not Applicable Alternate1%Not Applicable Mathematics Modified2%Not Applicable Alternate1%Not Applicable 19 Accountability System Safeguard Measures and Targets System Safeguards
Federal Accountability for 2013 Texas Education Agency submitted a waiver request to the United States Department of Education (USDE) on February 28, The waiver included a request to use the new state accountability system (performance indexes and system safeguards) to evaluate campuses and districts in place of federal Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) evaluations.
Top 25% Student Progress Academic Achievement in Reading/ English language arts Academic Achievement in Mathematics Top 25% in Closing Achievement Gaps Distinctions Available in 2013 Determined by ranking within group of 40 other comparable campuses Shaded areas are not evaluated in 2013