Vijf Visual Studio features die developement testing leuk maken. Clemens Reijnen Sogeti
Setting the Stage Development tests..? -Specified and executed (preferred automated) by team (with test knowledge) -Starts with (and covers) the smallest technical parts till full functional scenarios and non functional requirements. -Unit Tests -Integration Tests -Functional Tests -Acceptance Tests -Load Tests - Agreed level of quality
Agenda 1.Data Diagnostic Adapters 2.Test Impact Analyze 3.Spec Explorer 4.Lab Management 5.CodedUI 10 minutes each
Agenda 1.Data Diagnostic Adapters 2.Test Impact Analyze 3.Dev 11 Spec Explorer 4.Lab Management 5.CodedUI 10 minutes each
1 - Data Diagnostic Adapters
Capture information about the system under test.
1 - Data Diagnostic Adapters
1 - Data Diagnostic Adapters create your own
1 - Data Diagnostic Adapters using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.Common;
what went wrong 1 - Data Diagnostic Adapters recap:
2 - Test Impact
2 - Test Impact Analyze Get the code change
2 - Test Impact Analyze DEMO
2 - Test Impact Analyze Capture code changes recap:
3 – Dev 11 Bike
3 – Dev 11 Bike DEMO
3 – Dev 11 Fast recap:
3 - Spec Explorer
Spec Explorer Generate test cases
3 - Spec Explorer
4 - Lab Management
4 – Lab Management Run tests in multiple environments 4 speed 4 environment tests
4 – Lab Management Bike DEMO
4 – Lab Management Deal with environments recap:
5 - CodedUI Get tester knowledge
5 – CodedUI Bike DEMO
Recap 1.Data Diagnostic Adapters 2.Test Impact Analyze 3.Dev 11 Spec Explorer 4.Lab Management 5.CodedUI