Lima - Perú
Huanuco Pucallpa Tingo María 3 Huancayo 2 Dv Cerro de Pasco La Oroya Pte Ricardo Palma Ramiro Prialé 1 Section 1:Ramiro Prialé - Bridge Ricardo Palma Section 1: Ramiro Prialé - Bridge Ricardo Palma Section 2: Pte Ricardo Palma - La Oroya - Huancayo and La Oroya - Detour Cerro de Pasco Section 3: Detour Cerro de Pasco - Huánuco - Tingo María -Pucallpa
Pte Ricardo Palma Detour Cerro de Pasco La Oroya Huancayo 370 km
Bridge Ricardo Palma La Oroya 137 km
La Oroya Huancayo 116 km
La Oroya Detour Cerro de Pasco 117 km
Concession structure Includes the sub – sections Ricardo Palma bridge-La Oroya, La Oroya-Huancayo and detour Oroya Cerro de Pasco. (370km) Modality Comprehensive project bid Concession term 25 years Competition factor Works that the concessionaire intends to execute, in addition to the works categorized as mandatory by the State. Financing Responsibility of the concessionaire for works execution, operation and maintenance. Strategic partner The strategic partner will be the operator, who must have and maintain a minimum thirty five percent (35%) share of the concessionaire’s subscribed capital.
Guarantees Guarantees are considered for the proposal’s effectiveness and seriousness, for the Contract’s performance and Work’s execution. Best Economic Proposal The Best Economic Proposal will be the one submitted by a short listed bidder which proposes, in accordance with the established priority, executing the highest number of Works for Tender and Tiebreak, in addition to the Works categorized as mandatory by the State. Award It will be granted if at least two valid Economic proposals are received. Toll units The three existing tolls will be handed over to the concessionaire on the date of commissioning.
Works Mandatory Upgrading Ricardo Palma bridge-La Oroya Upgrading La Oroya- Huancayo upgrading La Oroya- Cerro de Pasco detour A B For Tender and Tiebreak Priority 1: C Priority 2: D Priority 3: E Priority 4: F Priority 5: G Priority 6: H Detour. Cerro de Pasco Ricardo Palma bridge Huancayo La Oroya
Ricardo Palma bridge Cerro de Pasco detour La Oroya Huancayo The grantor will execute the a regular and routine maintenance in the 3 sub sections of the concession, for 3 years. Due the deadline each sub sections will be handed over to the concessionaire.
A month of the Contract subscription date in all toll units Actual toll + VAT In each sub section where the MTC finished the regular maintenance $ VAT La Oroya Cerro de Pasco detour Pte. Ricardo Palma Huancayo Casaracra Quiulla Corcona Toll Units
Short listing requirements Operation In the last ten years (10) is operating or has operated one or more asphalted road concessions that add at least 100 kilometers, or in the last five years (5) is operating or has operated one or more asphalted road concessions that add at least 50 kilometers; in both cases, for a minimum period of two years (2) accumulated. Financing Minimum net assets: To be defined, Audited financial statements 2006, 2007 and 2008 or similar documents. Reference letter issued by a banking company or a international financing institution, according the Tender Documents. Social Capital Social CapitalTo be defined.
Short listing Requirements Construction the builder does not need to proved its experience to be declared as a short listing bidder. The accreditation will be done from the Award date up to 30 calendar days after the mention date. The builder must certify that he has executed in the last 15 years, at least 100 km, among “ New Road works”, “Upgrading” and “Maintenance”, can accumulated the length of two way road only in case of different roads (motorway) From the required total accreditation length, mention in the preceding paragraph, must have executed at least 10% in the elevation above 2,400 masl.
Tentative Schedule Tentative Schedule Presentation of Envelope N° 1 (credentials for short listing) Up to 30 calendar days before the presentation of Envelopes N°2 and N°3. Delivery of the final contrac version approved by Proinversion Board of Directors. In 240 calendar days after the publication of call for Tenders. Presentation of Envelopes N°2 and N°3 (economic and technical proposals) Third Quarter Opening of Envelope N°3 and Award. Up to 10 calendar days after the previous event. Closing date. Up to 60 working days after the Award.
Suggestions and Queries Section 2 of IIRSA Centro Road Projects Communications Phone: (direct line) Fax [511] Important note: This "Document" has been prepared and provided by Proinversion only for information purposes to potential investors (the "Interested Parties") to help them define their interest in participating in the call for the concession of IIRSA Centro. By receiving this Document, the receiver accepts that the Peruvian Government, PROINVERSION, and its Advisors will be exempted from any responsibility or liability arising hereunder or from any information related herewith, even if PROINVERSION or its Advisors may have been aware of any potential errors or omissions herein.