ICT services for Electric Vehicle User
Escuela Municipal de Música “LUIS ARAMBURU”
A COMPACT CITY, Pedestrian scale until recent growth and latest urban developments.
Escuela Municipal de Música “LUIS ARAMBURU”
Energy consumption in Vitoria-Gasteiz in 2006 (2,800 GWh), by sectors Mobility Commercial Hydrological cycle Municipal services and facilities Waste management and urban cleaning Housing Primary sector 29% of CO 2 Emissions in 2006
Escuela Municipal de Música “LUIS ARAMBURU” We have succeeded in reversing the rising trend in private car use, raising the pedestrian share to 2002 levels and increasing the use of bicycle. Main figures after 5 years of SUMP
Escuela Municipal de Música “LUIS ARAMBURU” The joint efforts of SMPSP and the Plan Against Climate Change are achieving a significant reduction in emissions, commitment assumed by signing the European Covenant of Mayors. Evolution of emissions of greenhouse gases in Vitoria-Gasteiz Plan Against Climate Change Target in 2020: -25 % Main figures after 5 years of SUMP
Escuela Municipal de Música “LUIS ARAMBURU” How to become a Carbon Neutral City by 2050? Reducing transport energy consumption up to 82%
Escuela Municipal de Música “LUIS ARAMBURU”
AXES for an EV promotion strategy Infrastructure Vehicles Incentives, marketing y dissemination
Escuela Municipal de Música “LUIS ARAMBURU” INFRASTRUCTURE Public charging stations EV Information Point eCar-Sharing
Escuela Municipal de Música “LUIS ARAMBURU” VEHICLES Fleets eCar pilot experience AVG eCar-sharing Private cars?
Escuela Municipal de Música “LUIS ARAMBURU” INCENTIVES, MARKETING AND DISSEMINATION Do you take much? Please, stay on the queue
Escuela Municipal de Música “LUIS ARAMBURU” TAX AND REGULATORY INCENTIVES Traffic ordinance Urban building ordinance (Charging infrastructure) Taxes, …
Escuela Municipal de Música “LUIS ARAMBURU” ICT Services for Electric Vehicle Enhancing the User experience
Escuela Municipal de Música “LUIS ARAMBURU”
Escuela Municipal de Música “LUIS ARAMBURU” Renewable Mobility Services in Smart Cities Rapid route planning for energy efficient and personalized mobility
Escuela Municipal de Música “LUIS ARAMBURU”