Programme 1. Opening and welcome 2. Purpose and objectives 3. Feedback and developments within the Directorate: Labour Relations l New organogram l New contact details l Statistics l Website 4. Feedback on the Education Labour Relations Council l New resolutions l PELRC 5. General (Questions and answers session) 6. Next meeting and closure
Time arrangements
Purpose and Objectives §Inform employees of developments within the Directorate: Labour Relations §Build and develop a well - informed workforce §Keep employees inform with regard to ELRC/PELRC matters §Train the trainer concept
Feedback & Developments within the Directorate: Labour Relations §New organogram §New contact details §Statistics on: l Disputes l Misconduct §Website
DLR’s New Organogram
New Contact Details §Postal address: Unchanced - Private Bag X9114, Cape Town, 8000 §Physical address: 17th Floor, Golden Acres, Cape Town, 8001 §Fax Number: (021) §Telephone Number: Unchanged l Director: (021) l Deputy-Directors: Misconduct & Disputes: (021) l Deputy-Director: Collective Bargaining: (021)
Disputes Statistics Educators (July Jan 2004) = 151
Disputes Statistics ( Continues) Public Service staff (July - Jan 2004) = 10
Disputes Statistics (Continues) Types of disputes per EMDC (July Jan 2004)
Misconduct Statistics Educators (July Jan 2004) = 211
Misconduct Statistics (Continues) Public Service staff (July - Jan 2004) = 54
Misconduct Statistics (Continues) Types of transgressions per EMDC (July Jan 2004)
DLR’s Website §WCED home page: l §Labour Relations home page: l
Feedback on the Education Labour Relations Council §New resolutions: 2003 §Provincial chamber
ELRC Resolutions: 2003 Recap 1.Evaluation procedures and performance standards for institution base educators 2.Transfer of serving educators in terms of operational requirements 3.Protocol and instrument for use when observing educators in practice for the purpose of WSE and DAS 4.Post and salary structures for educators 5.Amendment to Measures dealing with the Recognition of Experience of Educators gained outside Public Education prior 1 July 1996
ELRC Resolutions: 2003 (Continues) New 6.Amendment to Resolution 2 of 1998: Levy agreement l The purpose of this agreement is to ensure that there is no increase in the existing levy. 7.Amendment of formula for part-time remuneration and recognition of part-time experience l The purpose of this agreement is to amend the PAM in order to make the formula for the calculation of part- time remuneration more flexible.
ELRC Resolutions: 2003 (Continues) 8.Integrated Quality Management System (IQMS) l The purpose of this agreement is to align the different Quality Management programmes and implement an Integrated Quality Management System - DAS, WSE, PM. 9.Appointment of Arbitrators and Conciliators l Draft 10.Appointment of Full-time Shop Stewards l The purpose of this agreement is to provide for the appointment of full-time shop stewards in education.
Matters dealt within the PELRC §Employment Equity l The Employment Equity Monitoring Forum (EEMF) measure the WCED’s EE performance against the targets set for 2007 by assessing appointment, promotion and terminations in service statistics l The guidelines on Implementing EE at institutions has been finalised l For first 6 months of 2004 the focus will be on drawing attention to issues of diversity and the outcome of the EE plan
Matters dealt within the PELRC (Continues) Employment Equity (Continues) All races
Matters dealt within the PELRC (Continues) Employment Equity (Continues) Female
Matters dealt within the PELRC (Continues) Employment Equity (Continues) Male
Matters dealt within the PELRC (Continues) §Employment Equity (Continues) l Skills Development and EE will be linked in order for the Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) to address under-representation l Policy and Workplace Programme for Disabled Persons are being developed §Skills Development l A system that ensures that courses has a high quality in both contents as well as presentation will be implemented
Matters dealt within the PELRC (Continues) §Skills Development (Continues) l The intention is to complete the WSP’s for the new financial year by 31 March 2004 l Six projects will be funded by discretionary grants: Equipment, hard- and software Contracting admin support HIV/AIDS in the workplace Capacity building of DTC and TC’s Revised Training Needs Assessment
Matters dealt within the PELRC (Continues) §National Teaching awards l Provincial winners The winners must be representative of the teaching corps No black candidates came through and this poses a challenge for 2004 –Black = 0 –Coloured = 4 –White = 3 –Female = 5 –Male = 2 l National winners One 1st place and two 2nd places
Matters dealt within the PELRC (Continues) §Integrated Quality Management System (IQMS) l A provincial Training Team (PTT) was established consisting of WCED and union representatives l A training manual is being compiled l First round training for Circuit Managers and principals: March 2004 l Training for educators will commence in the second term of 2004
Matters dealt within the PELRC (Continues) §Safety at schools l The procedural manual was launched on 18 February 2004 l Safe Schools co-ordinators at EMDC’s will have a series of workshops to discuss the content of the manual with principals, cluster co-ordinators and school safety committees
Matters dealt within the PELRC (Continues) §Safety at schools (Continues) l Strategic talks with the Department of Community Safety, Cape Town City Police and SAPS are taking place at provincial level in order to have an integrated intervention with regard to violence on school premises l Cape Town City Police will soon launch three projects: Domestic violence Gang violence Substance abuse
Matters dealt within the PELRC (Continues) §Safety at schools (Continues) l Cape Town City Police is patrolling 53 schools l Social crime prevention officers, Top Cops and Captain Crime Stop formed partner- ships with Safe Schools and are addressing learners l 50 new schools were identified for the 2003/04 financial year and each received R
Matters dealt within the PELRC (Continues) §Safety at schools (Continues) l 2003: Incident types
Matters dealt within the PELRC (Continues) §Safety at schools (Continues) l 2003: Occurrence of incidents
Matters dealt within the PELRC (Continues) §Safety at schools (Continues) l 2003: Totals per EMDC
Matters dealt within the PELRC (Continues) §HIV / AIDS in the workplace l Condom dispensers have been installed at all EMDC’s and condoms have been made available l Lifeline has extended their service until the end of March 2004 and employees can continue to free voluntary counseling and testing (VCT)
Matters dealt within the PELRC (Continues) §HIV / AIDS in the workplace (Continues) l 2-Hour awareness sessions, Peer Educator training and VCT are provided as a pilot to all schools in Plettenberg Bay, Knysna and Sedgefield l Flyers promoting the workplace programme will be distributed to all institutions
Matters dealt within the PELRC (Continues) §HIV / AIDS in the workplace (Continues) l 75 Schools in the metropole will host a 2- hour Awareness workshop for their staff during the first term of 2004 l Two more Peer Educator training sessions will be held during February and March
Matters dealt within the PELRC (Continues) §General l The Sexual Harassment Implementation Guidelines have been approved l A total of 383 educators were in excess on 17 February 2004 l 2004 Office bearers: Chairperson: Ms Masisi van Wyk Vice-chairperson: Mr Colin Esau Secretary: Mr Pat Williams
General Questions and answers Open session
General (Continues) §Suggestions l Topics to be discussed at future meetings
Presenters §Colin Esau:(021) §Fritz Brand:(021) §Fax:(021) §