National Workshop, New Delhi, February 2010 Nurturing Partnerships for Developing Sustainable CSOs, Presented by: Shri Vijay Sardana [SMA Management] National Workshop, New Delhi, February 2010 Nurturing Partnerships for Developing Sustainable CSOs, RECAP OF DAY 1 ( )
National Workshop, New Delhi, February 2010 Nurturing Partnerships for Developing Sustainable CSOs, Presented by: Shri Vijay Sardana [SMA Management] RECAP OF DAY 1 ( ) Such Capacity Building (Training) initiatives are needed Costs should be affordable by small CSOs (Rs. 7,500/- is very high) CSO Governance is an issue; total / too much reliance on the leader / promoter (one man show) Government needs good partners; credibility is an issue, need for assessing partnerships (mechanism for grading, rating, accreditations) CSOs known for innovations, experimentation, piloting, and demonstrations. This needs to be encouraged and supported. Trend towards conformity decreasing space for disagreements; need for respecting disagreements. CSOs weak in Documentation & Dissemination; needs serious attention. After demonstrating performance and thus building credibility, it is possible to work with Government on your own terms / negotiated terms. Certain government programmes provide for establishment costs (e.g. NREGA, Special SGSY) Sustained communication and engagement with donors (Sponsors) is key for resource mobilization Consultancy services in demand when provided with high level of technical competence.
National Workshop, New Delhi, February 2010 Nurturing Partnerships for Developing Sustainable CSOs, Presented by: Shri Vijay Sardana [SMA Management] RECAP OF DAY 1 ( )……………………………….. Contd. Partnership with Academic / Research institutions possible when CSOs have something substantial to contribute, e.g. in designing the curricula, field research. Partnership with media not possible (easy?), but relationship building is a must. Unlike Associations of corporate houses (CII, FICCI), Media does not have access to such bodies of CSOs for information gathering. CSOs could explore starting a separate TV Channel, in association with media. CSOs partnership with corporate / CSR is promising; both sides have to provide space to each other; mutuality / trust needed in building sustained relationships. CSR of industries do need to take care of their neighbourhood for development; Corporate Foundations have flexibility in choosing areas of work (geographic as well as thematic. WIN WIN situation is a must for a successful partnership.