Dangerous Sports Which are the most dangerous sports in a thunderstorm? Can you explain why?
Surviving Lightning Lightning is caused when the charge on the cloud is connected to Earth – We say the charge is Earthed. The charge will take the easiest route. Air is a bad conductor. Most other materials are better conductors. A small current (.05A) through the heart is enough to stop it. Why is a prayer position the best position to adopt in a lightning storm?
4.3 Uses and dangers of static electricity 15 April 2017 4.3 Uses and dangers of static electricity Static electricity is used in paint spraying, electrostatic precipitators (reducing pollution) and photocopiers. It can cause explosions when sparks are produced.
Are you ever shocked by static electricity? Can you explain when and where this happens? A spark from a fuel tanker was thought to have started the Buncefield oil depot fire in 2005. The explosion was reported to have been heard in the Netherlands!
Using static electricity Electrostatic paint sprayer. Metal panels are painted using charged paint. The panel is made negative and the paint positive. + - - + - Why are they given opposite charges? Page 91/92 AQA Additional Science guides. Read the descriptions of how a smoke precipitator works and a photocopier. Explain both in your books.
Dangers of static electricity 15 April 2017 Dangers of static electricity A moving powder or liquid can charge pipes. This can cause a spark which might explode the substance. Some anaesthetic gases are explosive. Operating theatres have an antistatic floor to stop charge building up. Questions Why is the rubber hose of a petrol pump made of a conducting rubber? Why must a petrol tanker be earthed before delivering fuel?
4.3 Uses and dangers of static electricity 15 April 2017 4.3 Uses and dangers of static electricity Static electricity is used in paint spraying, electrostatic precipitators (reducing pollution) and photocopiers. It can cause explosions when sparks are produced.