How to solve a 2-Step word problem using RUCSAC By Kye and Nina
A car driver fills his car with 38 litres of petrol, which costs 98p per litre. He then uses 8 litres of petrol on his next journey. What is the total value of petrol left in his car after? A car driver fills his car with 38 litres of petrol, which costs 98p per litre. He then uses 8 litres of petrol on his next journey. What is the total value of petrol left in his car after?
A car driver fills his car with 38 litres of petrol, which costs 98p per litre. He then uses 8 litres of petrol on his next journey. What is the total value of petrol left in his car after?
He fills the car with 38 litres. He uses 8 litres from his last journey and it costs 98p per litre, so you need to work out… 38 x £0.98
£ The answer is £37.24 but we still have to take away the cost of 8 litres, so… £ £7.84 = £29.40