Rio + 20 IMO Side Event, 20 June 2012 David Tongue Director Regulatory Affairs International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) Shipping as Key Factor to Green Growth
International Chamber of Shipping International trade association for shipowners Member national shipowners’ associations from 36 nations Represents all sectors and trades and 80% of world fleet International trade association for shipowners Member national shipowners’ associations from 36 nations Represents all sectors and trades and 80% of world fleet
3 IMO in Action IMO in session in London
Shipping is Lifeblood of World Trade
Gallon of Petrol at the Pump Typical shipping cost Arab Gulf - US (crude) $US 0.01
Ships are very CO 2 efficient
Global Rules for a Global Industry IMO in session in London
Reduction in Major Oil Spills Source: ITOPF Average spills per year over 700 tonnes
Improvements Impressive Given Growth of World Trade
IMO is a Model of Efficiency Flag States like Bahamas, Liberia, Marshall Islands among top performers alongside OECD
IMO Rules Enforced through Global Flag State and Port State Control Two out of three seafarers from developing nations
Oil Chemicals Dangerous Packaged Goods Sewage and Garbage Sulphur and Nitrous Oxides And CO 2 Oil Chemicals Dangerous Packaged Goods Sewage and Garbage Sulphur and Nitrous Oxides And CO 2 IMO MARPOL Convention preventing pollution from:
Other IMO Conventions and Codes: Ballast Water Management, TBT Paints, Use of Halons, Environmental Management..
Global Rules for a Global Industry IMO in session in London
Rio + 20 Conclusions? Shipping is safe clean and efficient but committed to continuous improvement IMO is a very effective regulator, which governments must support Global rules for a global industry Shipping is engine for green growth (carrying about 90% of world trade) Shipping is safe clean and efficient but committed to continuous improvement IMO is a very effective regulator, which governments must support Global rules for a global industry Shipping is engine for green growth (carrying about 90% of world trade)
Thank you