Calculating carbon from travel David McGuigan
2 Key travel areas commuting to work/study by staff and students other non-commuting staff and student travel fleet travel (eg estates management, mail runs)
3 Why calculate carbon emissions? to provide baseline information to allow for effective travel planning to allow for monitoring effectiveness of measures by repeat surveys
4 How to calculate carbon emissions survey of staff and students on commuting disaggregate by campus/department ask about usual one-way trip to work/study ask about attendance ask about travel mode(s) ask about distances ask anything else you want
5 The calculation calculate one-way carbon emission for each mode used: distance * emission rate add the emissions for each mode double for daily emissions annualise using attendance information
6 Sample of carbon emission rates Mode kg of CO 2 per mile or per passenger mile% of small car Motorcycle0.0249% Bus % Train0.0249% Taxi0.2382% Petrol, medium, car % Petrol, large, car % Diesel, medium, car0.1968%
7 Growthing up relate responses to populations calculate growth factor (ideally disaggregated by campus and status of respondent) add growth factor as a new field to each individual survey record sum growth factors to create carbon footprints for whole college/university and other disaggregations
8 Example of growth factor calculation SchoolFG/UGPopulationResponsesGrowth Factor M & VMPG1, M & VMUG2, S & EPG1, S & EUG H & SCPG H & SCUG10,9481, Total-25,0083,
9 Sample of carbon emissions by campus Location Weighted Count Average distance (miles) Estimated CO 2 / year (tonnes) Average estimated CO 2 / year per staff member (tonnes) Easter Bush Pollock Halls of Residence Western General Hospital NRIE / QMRI, Little France Central Area3, , King’s Buildings / Royal Observatory1, Other location Moray House / Holyrood Road Summerhall Other NHS sites New College / Mylne's Court Total ,
10 Web-based surveys are less expensive avoid routeing errors allow immediate feedback to respondent encourage better response rates for some survey types/respondents are more environmentally friendly
11 Example Survey