We can show you the way! AS Rehabil International Group - In order to be inspired and to inspire!
Located in Oslo - Norway Established in 1971 Owned by the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion Organized as a limited company – tax exemption and is a Vocational Rehabilitation Enterprise Turnover 2007: 6,9 mill. Euro (40 % NAV) 180 people on various labour market measures 24 regular employees
Provides assessment, vocational training and qualification through ordinary production of goods and services in genuine labour environments. We work closely with the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV).
The services we provide for the vocationally disabled are: Assess the potential job and education capacity of the individual. (12 weeks assessment program). Qualifying the individual through individually adapted job training, qualification and guidance. Providing permanently adapted work if the individual has no possibility for a job in the open labour market. Assist and help the individual in getting an ordinary job or further education in the ordinary educational system.
Products and services Car valeting Painting, wall- and floor covering Cafeteria/catering Esso petrol station incl. repairs and services Learning Network (LN): section for learning to read and write the Norwegian language Office, IT and accounting services Apprenticeship in protected environment (APS)
Car valeting
ESSO petrol station, repairs and services
Painting, wall- and floor covering
Cafeteria / Catering
APS and LN
Assessment program Annually approx. 300 persons. 17 group for a 12 weeks program. Evaluation and documentation of skills, capacity and work-performance. Approx. 50% have minority background and often have poor language skills. Participants of the program are people with different kinds of disabilities and mental health- problems. Also individuals who experience difficulties in entering the labour market without special support.
B.R.B ASSESSMENT Duration: max 12 weeks Motivation, working-health, working ability Me - as an actor in my own life Guidance in making career How to get a job - and keep it ! My working ability and healthy enough Individual plan, or My plan of action part 1. Language - compulsory tests of skill in reading, writing and mathematics Assessment of needs for further education and formal qualifications SMART, a course in personal economy What are the demands of the ordinary working life CV and assessment of informal qualifications ”The road to working-life” – Interactive E- learning-system Selection of possible area for practical training AS REHABIL Individual plan of action Vocational Rehabilitation persons are “sent” to Rehabil from NAV Rehabil’s own Qualification-arenas: -ESSO- petrol station and tyre storage -Cafe/catering; 5 stations Merkantile/Com- putering/accounting Painting/wallpaper/floor Car cosmetic JobApplyCenter Training and qualification in external companies. Course & qualification centre: LearningNetwork; Special program for illiteracy Computering/merc. SMART money saving Health-assistant Learning assistant Economy School Sale and costumer-treatment School of Office NKI Catering skills Working-Norwegian by the Municipality of Oslo Possible new: “My Plan of action 2.” Approved by NAV JOBApply- Centre: Rehabil`s external partners Individual choice in area of training, and follow-up in groups and Company visits EXTERNAL JOBSERVICE– PRACTICAL TRAINING and My Job! – Job coaching
Placements Job is an important issue and it is necessary to keep focusing on it. JobTot. Other active measures Continue In Rehabil For further qualification The face of a good process
Environment and Quality We have strong focus on establishing and maintaining good working environment. Annually employee survey. Focus on the importance of being present every day. Our target is: less than 8 % absence throughout the year. eQuass (European Quality Assurance for Social Services). Hopefully in The company is “Eco-Lighthouse”. It means that we have completed the Eco-Lighthouse Program and have been awarded certificate. Through this program the company reduce its impact on the environment, cut costs and benefit from its status as an environmentally responsible company. Member of “Indikator-prosjektet”. Benchmarking.
Wecanshowyoutheway AS Rehabil P. O Box 46 Kalbakken N-0901 Oslo NORWAY Tel Fax Contact: Berit Lunder We can show you the way!