TRACCS: TRansport data collection supporting the quantitative Analysis of measures relating to transport and Climate Change European Commission (DG Clima) project Jan – Dec May 2012
Team and Key Responsibilities Emisia (GR) Co-ordination Road and non-motorized transport INFRAS (CH) Aviation and rail CH, AT, DE and HBEFA data for road IVL (SE) Waterborne transport Data for Sweden/Nordic countries 2
Key Project Objectives Transport Data Collection (stock, activity, economic) Produce multi-dimensional consistent data matrices Produce relevant indicators to summarize results Why? GHG, air pollutant emission modeling Environmental policy, impact on climate change 3
Project Structure Task 1: Road passenger transport Task 2: Road freight transport Task 3: Airborne transport Task 4: Rail transport Task 5: Waterborne transport Task 6: Non-motorized transport Task 7: Peer review of data 4
General Approach for Tasks 1-6 A.Data collection Identification of sources and contacts Similar projects, existing models, new data B.Data streamlining QA/QC procedures Visual check, gap filling, error correction, reconciliation module, time series analysis C.Data presentation Description of final dataset Consistent matrices, relevant indicators 5
Data Collection Specifics Temporal Annual time-series, from Existing data for earlier years Pre-1990 not to be considered Spatial EU27 As much as possible candidates (Croatia, FYROM, Iceland, Turkey, Norway, Switzerland) 6
Description of road transport dataset 7 Vehicle CategoryVehicle typePropulsion Mopeds/Motorcycles (L)2-stroke, 4-strokeGasoline Passenger Cars (M1) Market Segment (small, compact, medium, large, luxury, MPV, SUV, or any other similar segmentation) Petrol, Diesel, LPG, CNG, Flexifuel (E85), Gasoline Hybrid Buses (M2, M3)Urban, Coach Diesel, LPG, CNG/Biogas, B30 Light Commercial Vehicles (N1) N1/I N1/II N1/III Petrol, Diesel, LPG, CNG, Flexifuel (E85), Gasoline Hybrid Heavy Goods Vehicles (N2, N3) GVW types as per COPERT/HBEFA (Rigid from ≤7.5t to >32t, Articulated from 14-20t to 50-60t) Petrol, Diesel Vehicle Classification according to main criteria Additionally: Age distribution of vehicles. Ownership of passenger cars (corporate, self-employed professional, private).
Description of road transport dataset 8 Data typeShort Explanation Number of vehiclesNumber of operating vehicles in stock, classified by age New registrations / De-registrations Annual new registrations / Vehicles exiting the stock, per age Second hand registrationsRegistrations of second-hand vehicles, according to age Activity dataMileage/passenger-km/vehicle-km/tonne-km (per age) Price and VATPurchase cost per vehicle type Registration and Ownership taxes Per vehicle type Insurance, Operation, Maintenance, and Toll costs Per vehicle type Labour costFor drivers of commercial vehicles Data Required
What we expect from you Your close collaboration Your contribution with available national data to the best possible degree (.mdb,.xls, etc.) National reports and other relevant sources Correspond to our invitation letter (by June 30) 9
Thank you for your attention! 10 For more information on the project, please visit