NO YES NO YES NO YES The equipment is dependent on electric currents or electromagnetic fields in order to work or is used for the generation, transfer and measurement of such currents and fields The equipment belongs to any of the EEE categories – 1-10: Large household appliances; Small household appliances; IT and telecommunication equipment; Consumer equipment; Lighting equipment; Electrical and electronic tools; Toys, leisure and sports equipment; Medical devices; Monitoring and control instruments; Automatic dispensers. Equipment intended for use with voltage up to 1,000 V for alternating current and 1,500 V for unidirectional current Electrical and electronic equipment is firm part of equipment other than EEE Equipment which belongs to the category of electrical and electronic tools, is a large-scale stationary industrial tool The equipment is an implanted or infected medicinal product Electrical and electronic equipment intended solely for military purposes connected with the protection of security of the Slovak Republic Special obligations pursuant to the Waste Act concerning EEE and WEEE apply to the equipment Examples: petrol lawn mower, piezoelectric lighter, gas cooker with electric ignition The equipment does not fall under Part Eight of Act No. 223/2001 Coll. on Waste Examples: piezoelectric ignition, high-voltage switch Examples: heating plants, industrial installations, lifts, control and monitoring equipment in diesel and gas appliances Examples: transformers Products which came in contact with blood The equipment does not fall under Part Eight of Act No. 223/2001 Coll. on Waste Examples : arms, ammunition, military material Meets the definition of electrical and electronic equipment according to Part Eight of the Waste Act EEE Assessment Scheme
NO YES Product used for the packing of goods, their protection, handling, delivery and presentation of goods, from raw materials to products, from the producer to the user or consumer Is it a separable part of the product? Is it necessary to keep, support or preserve the product during its lifecycle? Are all its parts intended to be jointly used, consumed or disposed of? Is it a packaging component or auxiliary element incorporated in the packaging? Is an item having the function of packaging created for the purpose of filling at the point of sale and non-returnable item created, being filled or sold at the point of sale? Note: auxiliary elements that are directly hung on or attached to the product and serve the function of packaging are packaging only if they are separable and are not intended to be jointly consumed or disposed of. criterion No. 1 criterion No. 2 criterion No. 3 PACKAGING pursuant to Act No. 119/2010 Coll. on Packaging criterion No. 1 Examples – packaging: Cellophane packaging on CD cases, boxes for sweets Examples – not packaging: flower pots intended for the entire lifetime of the flower, tea bags, and tool boxes criterion No. 2 Examples – packaging: hanging labels hung directly on the product or attached to the product, staples, plastic packaging for paper, stickers attached to other packaging item criterion No. 3 Examples – packaging: paper or plastic bags, disposable plates and cups, cling film, sandwich bags, aluminium foil Examples – not packaging: stirrers, disposable cutlery NOT PACKAGING YES ororor YES Assessment scheme for packaging
YES NO YES NO YES NO Is the battery intended for starting up a motor vehicle and its lights? Is the battery hermetically sealed? Can the battery be carried in hand? Is the battery intended solely for industrial or professional use or is it used in a vehicle driven by electric energy? Is it a small, round, portable battery with diameter greater than its height or a set of batteries? NO INDUSTRIAL BATTERY AUTOMOTIVE BATTERY INDUSTRIAL BATTERY PORTABLE BATTERY BUTTON CELL PORTABLE BATTERY NO YES Battery and Accumulator Assessment Scheme