SOUTH SUDAN South Sudan Food Security and Livelihoods Cluster 25 th March, 2015 Juba
SOUTH SUDAN Minkaman FSL strategy Minkaman is hosting 71,367 individual (15,285 HH) with 42,246 female and 29,121 male population as per recent bio matric registration. These IDP’s and host communities belongs to Duk (4,619 individuals), Twic East (11,201 individuals, Bor South (37,125 individual) and Awerial (18,356 individual). While considering return its important to note that Awerial and Twic East are already in IPC phase 3 whereas Duk in IPC-4 and Bor South in IPC-2. Market is functional with large number of whole seller and retailers. There are almost every type of items (food, non-food, construction material, livestock, workshops etc.) available in the market. A new petrol pump is being constructed and banks and cash transfer mechanisms are available.
SOUTH SUDAN Minkaman FSL strategy
SOUTH SUDAN Table of activities and organizations
SOUTH SUDAN Key gaps identified for 2015 Animal health has been identified as a key gap for 2015 livelihoods programming in Awerial County. Aruda is funded through FAO for small scale vaccination support and training, and disease reporting. However the need for livestock disease treatment and vaccination in the county exceeds what Aruda will be providing. While a number of partners are conducting seeds and tools distributions, a gap of approximately 5,000 vegetable and seed kits to beneficiary farmers has been identified. Skills training and income generation are a small part of the confirmed activities for 2015, however the scale of the activities are small and will reach less than 500 households of over 15,000 in Mingkaman. Fishing kits and tools were distributed by ACTED in However, for sustainability of fishing activities, there is need to conduct an assessment of the current state of these tools, whether they are being used and how they are maintained if at all. Additionally, FSL members have raised the need for training on improved fishing methods and tools including product preservation and hygiene practices. Fuel efficient stoves need to be distributed at earliest to decrease work load of women and ensure their protection, fuel expenses and environmental degradation.