1 Emission data needs for international reporting and assessments Joint UNECE and EIONET workshop on emission inventories and projections 6-8 May 2002,


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Presentation transcript:

1 Emission data needs for international reporting and assessments Joint UNECE and EIONET workshop on emission inventories and projections 6-8 May 2002, Cordoba, Spain André Jol European Environment Agency

2 Contents Why do we need emission inventories and indicators? What are main reporting requirements? Are we making progress in streamlining and harmonising? How can emission data be of use for assessments? Future developments?

3 Why do we need emission inventories and indicators? Quantify the pressures and to assess, by air quality modelling, the impacts on the state of the environment, on human health and on materials Develop abatement strategies and prioritise policies and measures for the main source categories (sectors) in a cost- effective way (integrated assessment) Monitor the effects of implemented policies and measures (reduced or avoided emissions and reduced impacts) at various levels (individual company, sectors, national, international) Monitor the level of integration of environmental concerns into sectoral policies and economic accounting Inform policymakers and the public using indicators

4 Data quality demands are still increasing Increasing demand for timely and high quality data for all user needs: reliable (accurate) detailed trends (use of the best scientific methodology) consistent over time (preferably use of the same method for the complete time series) comparable between countries (use of same source categories) complete (covering all major source sectors in the geographic area of concern) transparent (assumptions and methodologies used should be clearly explained and documented)

5 Main emission reporting requirements (1) UNFCCC and EU GHG Monitoring Mechanism UNFCCC, Kyoto Protocol and Marrakech Accords (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and carbon sinks) EU Council Decision on a GHG Monitoring Mechanism (to be revised in 2002) Annual reporting of greenhouse gas: UNFCCC by 15 April (N-15 months) and EU by 31 December (N-12 months). Same guidelines and methodologies for FCCC and EU: o UNFCCC Guidelines and Common Reporting Format, being revised during IPCC Guidelines and Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management LULUCF (carbon sinks) Guidance being developed EU needs to compile an annual inventory (15 MS)

6 Main emission reporting requirements (2) UNECE CLRTAP and EU NEC UNECE CLRTAP and Protocols (acidifying pollutants, ozone precursors, HM, POPs, particulates) EU National Emission Ceiling Directive (acidifying pollutants, ozone precursors) Annual reporting by 31 Dec (N-12 months) (15 Feb). EU NEC: first reporting by 31/12/2002 Same guidelines and methodologies for FCCC and EU: o New CLRTAP Draft Reporting Guidelines (NFR, more harmonised with CRF) o EMEP/CORINAIR Atmospheric Emission Inventory Guidebook (third edition 2001) EU needs to compile an annual inventory (15 MS)

7 Main other reporting requirements EU GHG MM and EU NEC EU GHG MM, annual reporting on (updates of) national programmes (national communications FCCC) with: GHG emission projections for 2010 ‘with measures’ (=baseline), ‘with additional measures’, underlying data Policies and measures and their effectiveness Specific MM Guidelines EU NEC Directive: First report on national programmes, 1 October 2002 (update by 1 Oct 2006) Annual reporting of projections for 2010

8 Main emission reporting requirements Other EU legislation Large Combustion Plant Directive: SO2, NOx (annual) Directive on the limitation of emissions of VOC Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Directive and Commission Decision on a European Pollutant Emission Register. Pollutants : 37 to air, 26 to water. Guidance document is available (2000). First reporting in 2003 (3-yearly).

9 Are we making progress in streamlining and harmonising? Harmonisation between CLRTAP/NFR and UNFCCC/CRF was a step forward and frequency of reporting is in line Potential remaining problems (geographical scope; definition of transport emissions; large point sources)? To increase confidence in data possibly review process required in LRTAP similar to UNFCCC EEA aims at improving data flow between countries, the Commission, Eurostat, the Conventions and to EEA EEA provides support to EEA member countries (CollectER/ReportER, COPERT III) and through workshops

10 How can emission data be of use for assessments? CAFE Baseline scenario (emission projections): o Consistency needed between CAFE base year emissions and inventory data (for 2000), also for underlying activity data and socio-economic scenarios (PRIMES) o Consistency between source categories for inventories and for scenarios (usually more aggregated) o Inventory knowledge on technological developments (e-factors) can be useful for projections Use of emission data in EEA indicator reports (Signals) and sectoral reports (TERM, EER).

11 Source: Eurostat, 2001 Trends in tonne- km and GDP, EU 15 Transport growth strongly linked to GDP growth Objective: restrain transport growth

12 Objective: improving transport eco-efficiency Sources: Eurostat, 2001; EEA, 2001 Transport CO 2 emissions increased by 15 % between 1990 and 1998 Trends in transport and its environmental pressures, EU 15

13 Country targets and comparisons? Transport NO x emissions: % change Transport CO 2 emissions: % change Source: EEA ETC-AE, 2000 EU-15 Greece Ireland Portugal Spain Austria Belgium Italy Denmark France Finland Netherlands Luxembourg Germany Sweden United Kingdom -50%-40%-30%-20%-10%0%10%20%30% EU14 Ireland Portugal Spain Austria Greece Belgium Netherlands Italy Denmark France Germany Sweden United Kingdom Finland 0%20%40%60%80%100%120%

14 Objective: fair and efficient pricing Source: Eurostat, 2001; CE 2000 Transport fuel price trends do not encourage energy efficiency Trends in transport energy consumption and fuel prices, EU 15

15 TERM challenges:policy effectiveness and prospective analyses reference emissions actual emissions Shift petrol to diesel 3-way catalysts Heavy duty vehicle emission standards (stage 1) Emission standards passenger cars and heavy duty vehicles Million tonnes NO x Significant NO x reduction due to cleaner fuels and technologies, but not sufficient to reach EU targets Source: ETC-AE,2000

16 Future developments New demands : Kyoto Protocol, NECD, emissions to water (EPER/IPPC) National Inventory System involving all actors (scientific organisations, national environmental protection agencies, national statistical institutes, industry and environmental NGOs) Improved accessibility of the national activity statistics Further development of methodologies : focus on PM; also heavy metals, POPs; emissions to water. Increasing need to link inventories and scenarios/emission projections through cooperation with integrated assessment experts/modellers