The average price of petrol $1.20 per Litre
The price of petrol Hello everyone, We hear that the price of petrol will climb up by $0.50, to approximately $1.70 per litre By this summer.
The price of petrol Do you want the price of gas to go down? IT IS POSSIBLE! We must act NOW and wisely !
The price of petrol Last year, a few suggestions were made, for instance: « Do not buy petrol on certain days»! Gas companies had a good laugh, as they knew that the Petrol that was not purchased on Sunday would be purchased on Monday. At best, it was an inconvenience for them, but not a problem.
The price of petrol Someone thought of a plan that can work If we really apply it Read the following And, please, join us to carry it out!
The price of petrol Petrol now sells for $1.10 per litre For regular unleaded As an average for Australia In some areas, the price is even higher. We all know that we are “being taken for a ride” by the gas companies. Almost a different price every day of the week.
The price of petrol 50 cents Remember that when petrol companies raised the price of petrol over 50 cents per litre. They argued that petrol was in short supply. There is more gas now than 30 years ago when the price was 10¢ per litre. Now, Gas companies want us to believe that petrol is cheap at 1.30 per litre.
The price of petrol We must act now We can have some control over prices and not only petrol barons. The best way to be successful is to hit where it hurts: their bank accounts! WE CAN DO IT !
The price of petrol HOW?
The price of petrol As we all need our vehicles, we cannot simply stop buying gas. However, we can have a significant impact on the price of gas IF WE ACT TOGETHER to start a PRICE WAR
The price of petrol The idea suggested is: For the remainder of the year, WE DO NOT BUY ANY petrol From The two largest companies BP and SHELL To attract customers, they have to decrease the price
The price of petrol Think about it! If one company daily loses tens of millions of dollars worth of sale, it will ultimately lower it’s prices and this will immediately trigger a PRICE WAR. To force this impact, we must reach millions of BP and SHELL Consumers.
The price of petrol This is how we must proceed!
The price of petrol I am sending this to approximately 30 people. If everyone sends this to 10 others, we already have reached 300 people. If each one sends it to 10 more people, we would reach 3000 people. In 5 successions, we will reach, 3 MILLIONS Do You see what I mean …
The price of petrol To launch a price war against these petrol companies in about a weak! Each and everyone should forward this message to 10 people. In a short time, we will recruit more than, MILLIONS Conscientious objectors Do you really believe that they will have other options? I do not think so.
The price of petrol YES, WE CAN WIN BUT…
The price of petrol It is absolutely NECESSARY To continue purchasing petrol ELSEWHERE Than at BP and SHELL
Our Democracy Use your democratic rights, Sense your powers, Force your consideration on business barons, You will lose almost nothing, But you could gain a lot Please, apply this plan and let us watch and enjoy The interplay of this new experiment It is a positive step that would contribute To the enhancement of our democracy CAN WE COUNT ON YOU…?