Did you know? Processed foods are the main source of the sodium Canadians consume and make up over 70% of average daily sodium intake source: Only about 15 % of our sodium intake comes from salt added during cooking or at the table. Unprocessed whole foods such as fruits, vegetables and fresh cuts of meat contain very little sodium. The sodium “naturally” present in foods only accounts for % of our daily intake. For more information visit Reference: Canadian Stroke Network (Sodium 101)
Did you know? People with Diabetes have greater risk for ischemic stroke. Diabetes is strongly correlated with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and being overweight. Lifestyle changes such as dietary modifications and exercise work best in preventing diabetes. For more information visit Reference: 2009 Prevent Stroke Ont., Can. & Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study, NEJM, Feb 2002 June is Stroke Month Just 30 minutes a day of moderate physical activity, coupled with a 5-10% reduction in body weight, produces a 58% reduction in diabetes.
Did you know? Regular activity helps prevent and control risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and obesity. Before starting a physical activity program, it’s best to speak to your healthcare provider first to discuss what is right for you. Remember, physical activity can be a lifesaver – literally! A brisk walk for as little as 30 minutes a day can improve your health in many ways and reduce your risk for Stroke. For more information visit Reference: June is Stroke Month Regardless of your age, it's never too early or late to add activity to your life.
Did you know? Many people after a stroke feel fear, anxiety, frustration, anger, sadness and a sense of grief arising from their physical and mental losses. The good news is that depression can be treated! Learn more about the signs of depression and how you can help at troke__Mental_changes.htm#mood Depression is common among stroke survivors and their caregivers. For more information visit Reference: June is Stroke Month
Did you know? High blood pressure affects 1 in 5 Canadians. It is the #1 risk factor for stroke and a major risk factor for heart disease; so it is very important that it is properly controlled. Yet 43% of Canadians with high blood pressure don't even know they have it because there are no symptoms. You can't see it. You can't feel it. But the good news is that you can control it! For more information visit Reference:Heart & Stroke Foundation (Blood Pressure) June is Stroke Month
High sodium consumption leads to high blood pressure, or hypertension, which is the cause of more than half of the 50,000 strokes in Canada every year. The recommended intake of sodium for an adult is 1,500 mg or less each day. The amount of sodium in 2½ pickles is 1550 mg. That is 103% of recommended daily sodium intake! Did you know? For more information visit Reference: Canadian Stroke Network (Sodium 101) June is Stroke Month
Did you know? Smoking nearly doubles the risk of ischemic stroke! The good news is that even after many years of heavy smoking quitting is beneficial. For example: 5 years after quitting, your risk of stroke is greatly reduced. Within 5 to 15 years after quitting, it becomes about the same as a non-smoker's risk. For more information visit Reference: Circulation. 1997;96: & adapted from Health Canada's the Program Training & Consultation Centre, & the Alberta Tobacco Reduction Alliancewww.gosmokefree.gc.ca June is Stroke Month
Did you know? Healthy eating may reduce your risk of stroke by helping you increase your intake of heart-healthy nutrients, manage your weight, keep your blood pressure down, control your blood sugar levels, and lower your cholesterol. Healthy eating can boost your feelings of well-being, giving you more energy and vitality! Healthy eating is one of the most important things you can do to improve your general health. For more information visit Source: (Basic Principles of Healthy Eating) Nutrition labels on your food packages can help you make more informed choices about the food you buy. Learn how using Health Canada’s “Interactive Food Label”. Visit: etiquet/nutrition/cons/inl_flash-eng.php June is Stroke Month
Did you know? An increasing number of people are eating processed and “fast food”. Often they are not aware of its frequently high sodium content. This is leading to high rates of high blood pressure and other health issues. Now there’s an App that can help you make smarter, lower-sodium food choices! The Sodium 101 iPhone App is FREE ! Download it today at the iPhone App Store. Source: Features include: Track your sodium intake Compare and track sodium content in takeout food. Track sodium in packaged foods. A listing of over 2000 food items from Canada’s most popular takeout chains. For more information visit
Did you know? Fat stored around your middle can put you at risk for high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, type-2 diabetes, heart disease & stroke. Extra weight around the waistline is more dangerous to the heart than extra weight on hips & thighs. Next time you go to step on the scale, grab a tape measure instead & determine your shape and health risk…. are you an apple or a pear? Where you carry your weight is just as important as how much weight you carry. Simply weighing yourself is not the only way to determine your health risk. For more information visit Reference: Source: June is Stroke Month
Did you know? The aim of a rehabilitation program is to help you regain as much of your independence as possible. This does not mean that you will return to exactly the way you were before the stroke. Rehabilitation cannot cure damage to the brain. But rehabilitation can help you re-learn the best possible use of your body, communication and thinking skills. For more information visit Reference: Rehabilitation is an important part of recovery from stroke. June is Stroke Month Picture source: /2008/12/04/the-rehab-diaries-fight-the-bonk/