EHP Placements in the HPA Adrienne Dunne Environmental Public Health Scientist 27 th July 2009
The Health Protection Agency (HPA) An independent body established in 2003 Identify and respond to health hazards and emergencies from infectious disease, chemicals, poisons or radiation. Provide information and advice to: the public, to professionals (NHS, local authorities and other agencies) and government Prepare for new and emerging threats to health that could happen naturally, accidentally or deliberately. Provide specialist health protection services, including a rapid response to emergencies
Who’s Who is in the HPA Centre for Infections (Colindale, NW London) Centre for Emergency Preparedness and Response (Porton Down, Wiltshire) Centre for Radiation, Chemical & Environmental Hazards Radiation (Leeds, Glasgow Chilton) Chemicals ((B’ham, Cardiff, Chilton, London, Nottingham) Local and Regional Services (9 regions) Health Protection Units (HPU) Health Emergency Planning Advisors The public NHS PCTs Other agencies: EA, LAs, FSA, Utilities etc CsCDC, Nurses, HP specialists Regional Microbiology Network Laboratory network (9 regions)
North East Yorkshire and The Humber East Midlands East of England London South East South West Wales North West West Midlands Centre for Radiation, Chemical & Environmental Hazards Centre for Emergency Preparedness and Response Health Protection Agency Centre Health Protection Agency Centres and Divisions
Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) in the HPA Since the establishment of the HPA the number of EHPs within the organisation has been gradually rising EHPs securing permanent positions within the HPA e.g. Health Protection Specialists and Practitioners; Environmental Public Health Scientists; and Emergency Planning. Seconded EHPs from LA Student placements (HPA funded/ LA funded) EHPs are typically found in the HPAs frontline response Health Protection Units Chemical Hazards and Poisons Division Regional Microbiology Network Development of an internal EHP network Providing support to EHPs geographically spread within the HPA
Student EHPs in the HPA In 2005 East Midlands HPA piloted placements for EHP students: 2 student bursaries - 3 month placement each Placement established in partnership with 2 Universities in the East Midlands: Nottingham Trent Uni and Derby Uni. Recruited via national advertisement – EHN, Universities Further 3 month student EHP placements (HPA funded) undertaken in 2008/09, 2009/10 (8 in total) Additional placements (funded by LA) of 3 months will be hosted by HPA in 2009/10 and 2010/11 (2 in total)
Practicalities of the Student EHP Placements While on Placement: Academic support provided by University Local (HPA) support provided in form of link person at the base office(s) Competencies – during placement sign off on work competencies undertaken by: local HPA training lead and/or HPU Director
What can the HPA offer EHP students? Exposure to and involvement with day-to-day work of the HPA Covering aspects of the ELP, particularly “Health Protection and Development” and sections of “Environmental Protection” Development of public health knowledge Developing skills to present work to those of different profession/ background (e.g. medically trained staff within HPUs) Project based work Focused toward MSc dissertation or ELP Partnership working Exposure to HPAs external partners/ links within health protection. Examples of partnership projects: Emergency Planning; Environmental Hazards Training Seminar for LPAs etc
Benefits to HPA with the inclusion of EHPs within the workforce EHPs provide complementary skills to medically trained staff traditionally found in local health protection units Broad understanding of Environmental Health issues Knowledge and understanding of statutory legislation Understand the spectrum of stakeholder liaison Knowledge of local government/ politically astute Aids development of stronger links between local health protection units and local authorities
The Future Continue to raise the national profile of EHPs in the NHS Continue to provide student placements and secondment opportunities within the HPA Develop ‘joined up working’ via: Inter-agency project work Inter-agency liaison and training exercises Environmental Health/ Health Protection Agency/ Public Health networks Article about Environmental Health Practitioners in the HPA written by an EHP on secondment is due to be published by HPA in September |Reports | Chemicals and Poisons Reports |Chemical Hazards and Poisons ReportsPublications
Questions? Contact details: Chemical Hazards and Poisons Division Nottingham 29 Bridgford Road West Bridgford Nottingham NG2 6AU T: F: