Positive about integrated healthcare
Jane Danforth Involvement Officer Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Keeping it real Carrying the torch Spreading the word
Nottinghamshire Healthcare provides integrated healthcare services, including mental health, learning disability, community health services and offender healthcare with over 8,800 staff.
An integrated approach… Patient Opinion PALS, complaints and our service user carer experience survey (SUCE) PO/feedback champions in every directorate reaching the far flung corners of services
Listening to You – your opportunity to comment on services We’re here to listen and respond. Make a difference now!
You said…. We did ….
Gathering Feedback Making Involvement Real Strategic Framework for Service User/Carer nExperience - Trustwide survey, National Survey, nService User and Carer Experience Group Listening and responding in real time
Gathering Feedback Making Involvement Real Working together as partners in decision making Changing the culture of our Trust Five involvement standards that we report against Being clear on what has changed as a result of ninvolvement
Positive about integrated healthcare and
An independent site about your experiences of UK health services, good or bad. We pass your stories to the right people to make a difference.
What do you need to succeed?
Great support from the top down and vice versa Support from the communications team, involvement lead iiipeople and general managers Shout about it constantly and assume nothing! Patience & tenacity Never let go once through the door of a new service!
How are we doing so far...? Runners up- Patient Experience Network National Award (PENNA) measuring, reporting and acting on patient experience information Promoting a Positive Experience event Nov 2011
How are we doing so far...? Patient Opinion Pioneers of the Month Nov 2011 Winners – PENNA – Involvement Approach 2010 The record for the fastest PO posting and response time of any Trust! PO Guest blog
Evidencing via PO Patient related outcome measures, CQuins, Quest, Quality Care Commission PO assists with Activity/finance performance targets Use PO innovatively to theme feedback Use it to communicate your work as staff Real time improvements evidenced
It’s fast It’s anonymous It’s real IT WORKS!
Helen Forrester Ward Manager B50, QMC Nottingham Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
Ward B50 Mental Health Services for Older People What difference has PO made to Ward B50? Why do you think online feedback works? Responding – how do you follow up postings and keep a track on changes? Benefits it has brought to the ward and beyond
Becoming more patient focussed More involvement & recovery based work Patient Opinion came along as something that supported cultural change and evidenced the work we do Life on Ward B50 Queens Medical Centre Nottingham
Feedback folders & suggestion boxes ‘You said - We did’ ‘Wishing tree’ on the ward
“Sticky Chairs”
Jane Danforth Involvement Officer Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
Simon Wildgust Public Governor Member Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
Simon Governor Member Service User PO Champion
Feeding back to the organisation Meet with the board with other governors and executives 4 times a year to report on involvement Governor Ambassador for Adult Mental Health
Feeding back to the organisation Changing peoples lives happens through listening Interacting with other service users makes a difference I love it!
What’s next? iPad Pilot in 12 areas phase 2 increasing number of iPads SUCE survey launching via iSurvey
259 stories told 104 staff listening 29 stories have led to changes
Involvement Centre, Nottingham –