A Guide to Tools & Resources
Tools and resources to help you… Make the case for changeTake stock of where you areUnderstand the needs of your populationDevelop a local strategyIdentify what works and what looks promisingMake the economic caseMeasure your success
Making the case for change ‘Early Intervention: The Next Steps’ & ‘Early Intervention: Smart Investment, Massive Savings’ (The Allen Reports) Fair Society Healthy Lives (The Marmot Review) lives-the-marmot-review Chief Medical Officer's Annual Report 2012: Our Children Deserve Better: Prevention Pays annual-report-2012-our-children-deserve-better-prevention- pays A fresh start to tackling youth crime (Independent Commission on Youth Crime and Antisocial Behaviour) foundation.org.uk/uploads/holding/projects/fresh_start_to_t ackling_youth_crime.pdf The Triple Dividend: Thriving Lives, costing less, contributing more (The Early Action Taskforce) The Wisdom of Prevention (the New Economics Foundation) prevention
Taking stock of where you are Maturity Matrix Early Intervention Spend (Summer 2012)
Understanding the needs of your population Slide sets available now on EIF website Child and Maternal Health Intelligence Network (Public Health England): Children Count Surveys (Social Research Unit) Measuring Adverse Childhood Experiences (Blackburn with Darwen Council) With more EIF resources to come later in 2014… Child and Maternal Health Intelligence Network (Public Health England) Joint Strategic Needs Assessment: A springboard for action (Local Government Association) 5cb962bc04f3&groupId=10180 Health Needs Assessment A Practical Guide (health Development Agency) ide.pdf
Developing a local strategy Forthcoming: Report on learning from our 20 places to be launched later in 2014 Available now: A growing library of case-studies sharing learning from our 20 places. Including slide sets on Hertfordshire, Islington, Nottingham, Solihull, Staffordshire, Swindon, West Cheshire, Worcestershire Forthcoming: Report on Integrated Early Years models to be launched later in 2014 Report of the Children and Young People’s Health Outcomes Forum 52/CYP-report.pdf Commissioning early help: Using evidence informed practice to improve preventative and early help services (Research in Practice) ***£20*** 5cb962bc04f3&groupId=10180 Strategy Survival Guide (Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit) wnloads/survivalguide/downloads/ssgv2.1_overview.pdf
Making the economic case Making an Early Intervention Business Case: What should it look like? Making an Early Intervention Business Case: Evidence and resources Making an Early Intervention Business Case: Checklist and recommendations for cost-benefit analysis Forthcoming: Social Investment: Using Social Impact Bonds to Support Early Intervention (to be launched March 2014)
What Works and what looks promising The Early Intervention Guidebook An online platform that will provide information about effective Early Intervention methods, in order to improve children’s wellbeing and save money. It will continually evolve and expand as new reviews are undertaken and new information is added. It will include tools and resources for improving Early Intervention in a local area. It will include information about programmes, systems and practice primarily aimed at commissioners. If you would like to know more about the Guidebook or would like to be informed when it launches on the website, please
‘What Works’ and what looks promising Current and potential EIF reviews Complete: Domestic Violence Ongoing: Information on evidence based Early Intervention programmes Currently being considered: Social and emotional skills in school Edge of Care Team around the family Ante-natal programmes Supporting positive parent child interactions Supporting communities to take forward EI (including through coproduction and volunteering)
What Works and what looks promising Other resources
Measuring your success – Guides to evaluation Good impact evaluation design – basic principles (slide set) The Magenta Book book Better Evaluation Framework Handbook on Impact Evaluation: Quantitative Methods and Practices Evaluation: Measuring What Works aspx User Friendly Handbook for Project Evaluation
Measuring your success – case studies Chance UK An Early Intervention programme based around mentoring for children aged 5-11 years with behavioural difficulties Cost benefit analysis in Greater Manchester West Cheshire Integrated Early Support Measuring the impact of the county wide Integrated Early Support system for children from 0-18 in West Cheshire Realising Ambition Project a UK wide programme of projects to help young people fulfil their potential and avoid the pathways into offending Vestia Community Trust Evaluating the cashable savings achieved through services for families facing severe & multiple disadvantage in Worcestershire Achievement for All 3As programme to improve outcomes in reading, writing and maths for children and young people eligible for the Pupil Premium and those identified with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities