14. Novemberl 2006ITI: OASIS BCM-EPR SC ( eFolder ISR ) 1 Trading and Tracing quality related Small Scale production of food from “Land to Table” Food-project: PSQA program: SME Use Case ( S mall scale production from L and to T able ) SOA based PSQA program for: - Food - Finance - Health - Construction - etc
14. Novemberl 2006ITI: OASIS BCM-EPR SC ( eFolder ISR ) 2 Phases in a food product’s Supply-Chain Role based eFolders In SUPER PORTALS SOA use case: Sheep/Goat from ”Land to Table” PSQA-Food/PSQA-Finance eFolder-engine: Steering cards=Dynamic forms/Templates ( Semantic Web services + ebXML ) Trading Partners Computer systems Trading Partners Computer systems Trading Partners Computer systems Trading Partners Computer systems Product=
14. Novemberl 2006ITI: OASIS BCM-EPR SC ( eFolder ISR ) 3 eFolder Templates => Shifting Power to Business EXPERTS eFolders Processing Dynamic Forms/Templates