Compiled from sources found on the internet by: Lara Arch Debrief Strategies Compiled from sources found on the internet by: Lara Arch
(Circle) Something that is still going around in your head (Triangle) Something pointed that stood out in your mind Write in notebook or, if time, share out loud (Square) Something that “squared” or agreed with your thinking
Turn to a partner and answer the question Turn to a partner and answer the question. . . "What is one thing you learned in class today that you didn't know when you arrived?"
What are you still curious about? How does this relate to your life? Help yourself to a post-it note. Think about the following questions and respond on the post-it: What are you still curious about? How does this relate to your life? What are you reminded of? On your way out of the door, stick your post-it on the chart paper by the door.
What was the highlight of this session for you? Share out loud. . . What was the highlight of this session for you?
On a scale from 1 (no/sad face) to 10 (yes/happy face): Rate your confidence level with teaching the sound TEKS. How do you feel about where you stand with the portfolio? Rate your comfort level with hands-on science. Is participating in the Rice Model Afterschool Science Support program worth my while?
Think Take 15 minutes to reflect (in written form) in your notebook on the “Questions for Reflection” on pages 19, 50, and/or 73. Pair Take 15 minutes to pair up (with someone not in your PLC) and discuss each of your responses to each of the questions. Share Discuss one (or more) of the questions regarding inquiry asked in the forum. Debrief after Share.
Debrief 1. What did you like best about this lesson? We’re All Connected! Material Needed: A ball of yarn or string Description: In this activity, participants answer reflection questions about the activity as they pass a ball of yarn back and forth across the circle. A “web” is formed by the yarn which helps the participants see how they are all affected by each other and how together they can make a big difference in creating meaning. First, gather the participants in a circle and explain the directions. “I am going to ask a series of questions to you. Two people will have an opportunity to answer each question. When you answer a question, you will be passed the ball of yarn. When you have the yarn ball, you should hold onto the end of the yarn and toss the ball – leaving a trail of yarn behind the ball. In this way, we will make a “web” of yarn between all of us.” Ask the first question and while holding onto the end of the yarn, toss the ball to a participant (preferably across from you) and ask them to answer the question. Depending on group size, and the number of reflection questions you would like to include, you can change the question after each person or allow multiple participants to answer each question. Once the “web” is complete, ask the participants to pull the yarn taut, then pick up one section of the web and “pluck” it. Ask the participants if they all could feel that. Most likely, the vibration will be felt by all participants. Use this example to illustrate how we are all interconnected and our actions can positively or negatively affect many other people. Ask one person to drop their part of the yarn. This illustrates that if even one participant was not involved in the creation of making meaning, the result would have been different. Each person’s contributions make a big difference! Here are some example questions that can be used for most activities: 1. What did you like best about this lesson? 2. What did you like least about this lesson? 3. What did you learn by participating ? 4. What are two or three words you can use to describe how you feel about this session? 5. What are some other lessons/experiences you would like to do/have? 6. Why was it important that we worked together to make meaning? 7. What, if anything, will you do differently at school because of the experiences you had while participating in this session?
Debrief – Exit Ticket On a post-it note, answer the following questions: What are you feeling good about? What are you concerned about? What can I (the instructor) do to help? On your way out of the door, stick your post-it to the Wonderings poster.
Debrief - Five Senses In your PLC, let each person share out loud: Sight: What did you see during the lesson/session? Smell: What did you smell during the lesson/session? Hearing: What did you hear during the lesson/session? Taste: What did you taste during the lesson/session? Feeling: What did you feel during the lesson/session?
Debrief 3 things you learned, 3-2-1: Write in your notebook. . . 3 things you learned, 2 things you found particularly interesting, and 1 question you have. This is meant to be a strategy that can easily be used with chunks of text, but I have adapted it here to be more general. The 3-2-1 strategy can be modified based on the purpose of reading the text. For example, if students are reading to learn about plant and animal cells, you could ask students to identify 3 similarities between plant and animal cells, 2 differences, and 1 question that they have.
Debrief Take a few minutes to reflect in your notebook: What progress have you made? What roadblocks are you encountering? Share as a whole group. Should take 10 minutes overall.
Debrief Show me your Hand! As I ask a question, rate your answer on your hand by showing me 1-5 fingers. A “one” would represent “not very good at all” and a “five” would represent “awesome!” How confident are you now in teaching “what happened before?” How was your communication in this lesson? How comfortable do you feel about creating an e-portfolio? How well did we (or your PLC) work together as a team?
Debrief - Huddle Get into a class huddle. In 8-15 seconds (each) . . . Each person says their top priority over the next two weeks (until we see each other again).
Debrief In your PLC, discuss: What happened in class today? This is more of a data-gathering phase of reflection. For this question, we describe what happened as clearly and in as much detail as we can. How does this relate to the real world? This question is about relevance. How does what we've learned tie back into our daily lives? What next? How do we want to apply this learning going forward?
Debrief R – Role A – Audience F – Format T – Topic 7:20