TOSS Legislative ConferenceTOSS Legislative Conference Feb. 4, 2014Feb. 4, 2014
FY15 Budget Tennessee’s FY15 budget is very tight $260 million in new money, $170 million short of revenue projections Mandatory growth takes up all of the revenue growth and then some: TennCare: $180 million BEP growth: $47 million Health insurance costs for state employees: $40 million Rainy day fund contribution: $40 million As a consequence, most agencies seeing some cuts in spending (including net loss of 664 state government positions) 2
FY15 Education Spending $63 million salary increase for teachers 2 percent increase in state contribution to BEP salary component (in comparison, state employees to receive 1 percent increase) $14.5 million for salary equity $47 million in BEP growth Funding for additional grant programs, including $3 million in non- recurring funds for Family Resource Centers 3
BEP Task Force New task force to review BEP formula over the next year Precipitated by timing (7 years since last formula change) and general unease with current formula Task force limited to looking at how to account for funding within current formula, not proposing significant new expenses 4
Opportunity Scholarships 5
Other Legislative Issues Common Core State Standards and PARCC Data Textbook commission Licensure and evaluation 6
Additional Major Issues Higher education initiative focus and accountability accountability 7