Is it really that important? CACFP RECORD KEEPING Is it really that important?
CACFP Record Retention 7 CFR 226.15(e) “Institutions must establish procedures to collect and maintain all records listed in the CACFP regulations and required by the State Agency. Failure to maintain records will be grounds for the denial of reimbursement for meals served during the period covered by the records in question and for the denial of reimbursement for costs associated with such records.”
CACFP Record Retention Why? Support validity of claims How long? 3 years plus the current Program year What if we don’t have these records? Could owe State money for unsubstantiated claims
CACFP REQUIRED RECORDS Copies of all applications and supporting documents submitted to the State Agency Documentation of the enrollment of each participant at the center Daily records indicating the number of participants in attendance and the daily meal counts by type (breakfast, lunch, supper, and snacks)
CACFP REQUIRED RECORDS If applicable, information concerning the dates and amounts of disbursement to each child care facility or adult day care facility under its auspices Copies of menus, and any other food service records required by the State Agency Invoices and/or receipts, labor tracking, CACFP-related purchase tracking
CACFP REQUIRED RECORDS Training Documentation Include: Date Location Topics Presented Names of Participants Document all training Conduct at least once annually
CACFP REQUIRED RECORDS Administrative and Operating Costs claimed by the center Income to the Program Copies of all Claims for reimbursement submitted to the State Agency Receipts of all Program payments received from the State Agency
CACFP REQUIRED RECORDS Documentation of nonprofit food service to ensure that all Program reimbursement funds are used Solely for the conduct of the food service operation To improve such food service operations Principally for the benefit of the enrolled participant For Sponsoring organizations, records documenting the attendance at annual training of each staff member with monitoring responsibilities.
Additional CACFP Required Records Master Enrollment Lists (Monthly) If meals are vended, Daily Delivery Tickets All Food Service Contracts Current Business License Recent Health Inspection Report For Sponsoring organizations: Facility monitoring forms
Permanent Agreement The Permanent Agreement specifies the rights and responsibilities of all responsible individuals/principals and the State Agency. Sections: Agreement Audit Requirements Nondiscrimination Statement Fraud Certification Statement
Permanent Agreement Document
Policy Statement The Policy Statement assures the Child and Adult Care Food Program State Agency that; All participants enrolled at the institution or sponsored facilities are served the same meals at no separate charge. All meals served to eligible enrolled participants will be reported on the claim for reimbursement. In accordance with CACFP regulations, the institution accepts final administrative and financial responsibility for operating the CACFP. The State Agency must be made aware of all pertinent changes at your institution that may affect the program. The State Agency will ensure that each participating institution receives sufficient training and technical assistance to facilitate effective program operation.
Policy Statement Document
Let’s Play A Game! Keep It or Toss It? 1. Renewal Application from FY 2009? Toss it 2. Copies of the Letter to Households from FY 2012 3. Permanent Agreement Keep it 4. Income Eligibility Guidelines from FY 2012 5. Attendance and Meal counts from FY 2011
Let’s Play A Game! Keep It or Toss It? 6. MEL template from FY 2009? 7. Food purchase receipts from FY 2012? Keep it 8. Original Application 9. Child and infant menus from FY 2013 10. IES forms from FY 2012
Organizing Your Records
Organizing Your Records
Organizing Your Records