Ms. Amy Trickett Mrs. Donna Kelly Coaches
What’s the difference? Two competitions a year During school matches October 26 & April 11 16-member team LCPS event Questions from all subjects About 5 competitions a year After school matches December-February Need at least 4 members VHSL rules apply Questions from all subjects Scholastic ChallengeAcademic Challenge
Format Scoring 3 rounds 15 toss-up questions 20 directed questions – 10 per team 15 toss-up questions 10 points awarded for each correct response
15 questions Buzz in if you know and answer immediately After 10 seconds, time is called and answer is given No conferring with team If incorrect answer is given, no other team member may buzz in. Toss up Round
Team with lower score after first round chooses A or B questions; flip coin if tied Team members can confer Captain gives answer No buzzers Opposing team can steal the answer after time is called Time called after 10 seconds Directed Round
Academic Challenge Interruptions Answering Before Being Recognized Interruptions are allowed during toss-up Incorrect answers – 5-point deduction After ringing in, wait to be recognized before answering Warning first 5-point penalty
Scholastic Challenge Format 4 rounds Each round has 2 toss-up sessions (10 questions each) 1 directed session (5 per team) Team members are substituted each round with 4 new players = 16 members
Scholastic Challenge Scoring 10 points per correct response Interruptions are allowed, but if an answer is incorrect, the team loses 10 points
Are you interested? Please add your information to the sign up sheet. Consider being a member of both teams!
Location: Room 237 Dates and Times: What works for you? Practice dates and times