Overview of GCWCC April 29,
Health Partners 5
5 Overview of GCWCC 1997, Treasury Board appointed United Way as manager of the GCWCC A donor choice campaign run by federal employees across Canada In NCR three main recipients: United Way Ottawa, Centraide Outaouais and HealthPartners May also support any of 86,000 + registered Canadian charities National campaign managed by United Way Ottawa, in collaboration with 80 + other United Way offices across Canada
Health Partners 5 GCWCC Framework One single federal campaign across Canada, managed by the local United Way/Centraide Donors choice – can direct their gift to: United Way (Box 1, 2, and 3) HealthPartners (Box 4) Any other Canadian Registered Charity (Box 5) Offer equal access and visibility Annual accountability meeting held with Treasury Board
2014 NCR Campaign Results (*including retirees) Résultats de la campagne RCN 2014 (*comptant les retraités) $19,146,819$ Health Partners 5