Decreasing Border Delays through Elimination of Trade Barriers Jan Forest, USAID Mark Stomski, MBSP Advisor Reha Uran, SECI Turkpro SEE Regional Market Opportunity Forum November 1-3, 2006 Bucharest
2 Stability Pact Trade Working Group Activities Jan Forest
3 Stability Pact Trade Working Group SEE countries, EC, WTO, bilateral governments (including USA). 2001: MoU on Trade Policy and Facilitation. 2005: agreement to consolidate bilateral FTAs into a single FTA. 2006: 32 bilateral free trade agreements. April 2006: SEE Prime Ministers meeting – enlargement and amendment of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA).
4 CEFTA Negotiations Four rounds of negotiation between June 2006 and October 2006, chaired by the SP. November : Agreement to be initialled. December : Agreement to be signed at CEFTA Summit of Prime Ministers in Bucharest. January 2007: EU Accession of Romania and Bulgaria. July 2007: Entry into force – replacing bilateral FTAs.
5 Key Features of CEFTA Modern, ambitious and inclusive FTA. Liberalization of industrial goods by 2008 and further liberalization of agricultural goods. Harmonization of trade rules and procedures. Reduction of Technical Barriers to Trade. Common system of rules of origin. New areas: Trade in services, intellectual property, government procurement. Strengthened dispute settlement mechanism and strengthened institutional support framework.
6 SPTWG activities regarding elimination of non-tariff barriers in SEE ▪Meeting of focal points in Bucharest October 31- November 1: –Introductions and communication network. –Inter-ministry cooperation. –NTB programs in region. –Content of annual NTB reports. Next meeting in March 2007: –Finalize 2007 reports. –Address specific NTB. –Discuss transition to CEFTA committee.
7 SPTWG has identified the following NTBs as having the highest impact in SEE: Burdensome customs procedures. Transport constraints. Product regulations and standards. Visa policies. Infrastructure. Other (includes tax rate differences, import licensing, import quotas, special import levies).