© Tony Fagelman 2006 Coach Tariffing, Routine construction, Judging & Competitions Tony Fagelman
© Tony Fagelman 2006 The Tariff System
© Tony Fagelman 2006 Tariff - Somersaulting Every 90° of somersault rotation = 0.1 How much tariff for 360° of rotation = ? 90° = ° = 0.2
© Tony Fagelman 2006 Tariff - Twisting Every 180° of twist rotation = 0.1 How much tariff for 360° of rotation = ?
© Tony Fagelman 2006 Landings How much tariff for a seat landing? How much tariff for a front landing? How much tariff for a back landing?
© Tony Fagelman 2006 Shapes Shapes include: –Tuck –Pike –Straight Note: Straddle is not a shape in trampolining (but it is a “jump”)
© Tony Fagelman 2006 Shaped somersaulting A tuck shape in a somersault gains ZERO extra tariff A Pike and Straight shape in a somersault gains 0.1 extra tariff: eg Front somersault tucked = 0.5 Front somersault piked = 0.6
© Tony Fagelman 2006 Somersaults with twists A somersault with twist will score both rotational tariffs: eg A front somersault with ½ twist (Barani) will score = 0.6 What will happen to the tariff if we make the barani piked or straight? What is the tariff for: Front drop ½ twist to feet? Back drop ½ twist to back drop?
© Tony Fagelman 2006 Routine Construction Routines can be any length, but competitive routines are usually 10 bounces All routines must start from a feet landing and end on a feet landing. This is invariably the 10 th bounce Every landing is considered one of the 10 bounces. In competition, an “out bounce” is permitted
© Tony Fagelman 2006 Moves from your syllabus Tuck jump½ twist to front dropFront to seat dropFull twist to seat drop Pike jump½ twist to ft (from front) Back to front dropFull twist to back drop Straddle jumpBack dropFront to back dropBack pullover Seat drop½ twist to back dropSeat ½ twist to back drop Front somersault (t) ½ twist to ft (from seat) ½ twist to ft (from back) Back ½ twist to seat drop Front somersault (p) ½ twist to seat drop½ twistSeat full twist to feetBack somersault (t) ½ twist to seat (from seat, swivel hips) Full twistRollerBack somersault (p) Front dropSeat to front dropCradleBack somersault (s)
© Tony Fagelman 2006 Construct a routine
© Tony Fagelman 2006 Routine Example 1.Full Twist Straddle jump0.0 3.Seat drop0.0 4.½ twist to seat (swivel hips)0.1 5.½ twist to feet0.1 6.Pike jump0.0 7.Back drop0.1 8.½ twist to feet0.2 9.Tuck jump Front somersault (tucked)0.5 Tariff total1.2
© Tony Fagelman 2006 Judging The Club Judge Award is the entry level into the B.G. (Trampoline) Judging scheme and is open to any member of B.G. who is interested in judging and competitions and is 15 years of age or over
© Tony Fagelman 2006 EXECUTION (or FORM) JUDGE Deductions for execution (lack of form, consistency of height and control in each skill) are in the range 0.0 to 0.5 points for each move considered part of the routine. Subtract their deductions from the maximum mark indicated by the Chair of Judges panel. When instructed display the resultant mark simultaneously with the other Execution Judges.
© Tony Fagelman 2006 Required Positions: Depending on the requirements of the movement, the body should be tucked, piked or straight. The arms should be straight and/or held close to the body whenever possible. In all positions (except straddle jumps), the feet and legs should be kept together and the feet and toes pointed. (During the straddle jump, the feet must be at least shoulder width apart.) In the tucked position the hands should touch the legs below the knees (except in the twisting phase of multiple somersaults). In the tucked and piked positions the thighs should be close to the upper body (except in the twisting phase of multiple somersaults).
© Tony Fagelman 2006 Deductions for lack of stability on or after the last skill: 0.1 to 0.2 points Landing on both feet but lacking stability and not standing still for approximately 3 seconds, in the range 0.3 to 1.0 points on the instruction of the Chair of Judges panel (see code of points) Additional deductions for infringement of other rules (also on the instruction of the Chair of Judges panel) in the range 0.1 to 1.0 points. (see code of points)
© Tony Fagelman 2006 Code of points Landing upright on both feet but lacking stability and not standing still for 3 seconds (a single deduction for the greater fault only) Touching the bed with one or both hands Touching the bed with the knees or hands & knees; Falling to seat, front or back; Touching the springs, pads, frame or end deck Landing/falling on the springs, pads, frame, spotter mat or safety platform Landing/falling outside the area of the trampoline Additional deductions on the instruction of the Chair of Judges panel: Termination - Not landing simultaneously on both feet Exceeding the time limit Talking to or giving any form of signal to a competitor by their own spotters or coach during the routine, for each occurrence Intermediate (straight) jumps in a Voluntary routine, for each jump. (Where this maximum Penalty applies no execution deduction for the jump is given Additional skills
© Tony Fagelman 2006 Judges marks A judges mark will be calculated out of 10 marks, assuming 10 bounces are completed A judge will add up the form marks given for each contact A judge will deduct any marks for instability at the end of the routine or at the direction of the Chair of Judges. The Judge will then display their mark for the audience and for recording
© Tony Fagelman 2006 Competitions There are 8 levels of competition in trampolining Levels 7 & 8 are for disability performance Levels 5 & 6 are entry level performance Level 3 & 4 are intermediate level of performance Level 1 & 2 are highest level of performance
© Tony Fagelman 2006 Individual performance A performer may enter their age group at their selected grade. –I.e. Under 15 girls, grade 4 Under 11 boys, grade 2 At Grade 1 they may also enter the senior competition and compete in the Men’s and Ladies and compete for the National championships
© Tony Fagelman 2006 Team events A team must all compete for one club Each age group and grade can have a team entry A team consists of a minimum of 3 members and a maximum of 4 members Team marks are calculated by taking the best three scores from each member in each round and adding them together. (It can be a different member each round that is not calculated)
© Tony Fagelman 2006 Synchro & DMT In addition to individual competition performers may enter Synchronised events (bouncing in pairs) and Double Mini Tramp events. These are marked and tariffed similarly to individual trampoline events
© Tony Fagelman 2006 Competitive routines A performer will have two routines –Set Routine (aka Compulsory) Set by the organisers or at national/international level –Voluntary Routine Developed by coach and performer Set routines score form marks only Voluntary routines score form marks & tariff Scores are added together to get the result In some competitions, finals will be held. Finals consist of either the top 8 or if less than 10 performers the top 2/3 of competitors
© Tony Fagelman 2006 Officials The Chair of Judges Execution judges Tariff Judge Recorders Competition marshal Warm-up marshal
© Tony Fagelman 2006 Scores - compulsory Five judges marks are displayed –e.g: 7.1, 7.2, 7.1, 7.3, 7.4 The bottom mark and top mark are discarded –e.g: 7.1, 7.2, 7.1, 7.4, 7.3 The remaining 3 scores are added together –e.g: 7.2, 7.1, 7.3 Giving a round score of 21.6
© Tony Fagelman 2006 Scores - Voluntary Five judges marks are displayed –e.g: 7.1, 7.2, 7.1, 7.3, 7.4 The bottom mark and top mark are discarded –e.g: 7.1, 7.2, 7.1, 7.3, 7.4 The remaining 3 scores are added together –e.g: 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 The difficulty tariff is added = 2.4 Giving a round score of 24.0 The two rounds are added together = 45.6
© Tony Fagelman 2006 Competition Layout J1J2J5J4J3 TJ Recorders
© Tony Fagelman 2006 Any Questions?