SAPN Historical Performance Trends Prepared by the Consumer Challenge Panel for illustration purposes only The charts are based on the SAPN RIN published data (May 2014) and may not align with other published annual reporting data
The SAPN Story (for Standard Control Services) Growth in revenue & Growth in Asset Base (RAB) since 2010 – RAB growth driven by new asset investment post 2010 (chart 3 & 4) Revenue growth has been most rapid in the residential sector (chart 5) Operating expenditure (opex) also grown rapidly since Corporate Services and Vegetation management opex categories growing fastest (chart 6); Noting growth in employee bonuses parallel growth in revenue (chart 7) Demand declining in all sectors – drive future price increases given asset base expansion (charts 8 & 9) Capital investment in last few years has significantly reduced average asset life (chart 10) Growing spare capacity in the system (chart 11) But little change in service quality (chart 12). 2/06/14Public2
Total Revenue & Asset Base for Standard Control Services (SCS) 2/06/14Public3
Revenue & New Asset Investment for SCS Source: SAPN Economic benchmarking data templates: “Revenue” 2/06/14Public4
Revenue by Customer Class Source: SAPN economic benchmarking data templates: “Opex” 2/06/14Public5
2/06/14Public6 Chart uses “current opex categories and cost allocations” for all costs
Decline in Usage (Residential) Source: SAPN economic benchmarking data templates: “Operational Data” 2/06/14Public7
Decline in Usage (Non-Residential) Source: SAPN economic benchmarking data template: “Operational Data” 2/06/14Public8
Residual Asset Life Reducing 2/06/14Public9
Growing Spare Capacity in the System Source: SAPN economic benchmarking data template: “Physical Assets” 2/06/14Public10
No clear trend in service quality Source: SAPN Economic benchmarking data templates: “Quality of services”. Graphs exclude impact of “Major Events” 2/06/14Public11