JAL NIRMAL PROJECT Karnataka Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Agency Rural Development & Panchayat Raj Department
Project Districts Bagalkote, Belgaum, Bidar, Bijapur, Dharwad, Gadag, Gulbarga, Haveri, Koppal, Raichur and Uttara-Kannada
The Jal Nirmal Project A reform initiative from the State Government in Water Supply and Sanitation Service Delivery through decentralized Panchayat Raj Institutions Gram Panchayaths and User Community are the focal point in Planning, Procurement & Implementation of the Project
The Jal Nirmal Project A 235 m US $ (Rs.997cr) Project to benefit 51.50 lakh rural Population in 3064 habitations World Bank Assistance of 109 m SDRs IDA Credit part of Capital Cost shared by the State, Gram Panchayat and the Community
The Jal Nirmal Project Objectives To increase rural communities access to improved and sustainable drinking water and sanitation services Decentralised service delivery through Gram Panchayats and user groups
The Project Approach Implementation of schemes with Community based, Demand Driven, Participatory approach Decentralized decision making Capital cost sharing Integrated approach for providing water supply, and sanitation services 100 % Operation and Maintenance by User Groups( Self – sustenance )
Capital Cost Sharing - Pattern Project Components Users GPs Project A Water Supply 10% 5% 85% B Sanitation - Internal Drainage and Lane improvement C House Hold Latrines Rs. 1200 per BPL families as per TSC guidelines D Smoke Less Chullahs Rs. 143 Subsidy per Chullah
Project’s Salient Features Shift in the role of the Government from Provider to facilitator Technical & Community Mobilization support provided to GP/User Groups to ensure total participation Community involved fully in Pre- Planning, Planning, Procurement & Implementation of schemes as per their choice
Salient Features Cont…. Communities sensitized to own and manage water supply and sanitation facilities. Operation, Maintenance & Management skills & capacity developed among user groups and GPs Low cost technology like Saral Jal, Jhari, Floating Deck Platform, Pressure filters etc., encouraged
Achievements under the project Water Supply Schemes completed in 2235 habitations Village Internal Roads & Drains completed in 1205 habitations 1.62 lakh Individual Household Toilets promoted and 1599 school sanitation works promoted 2.72 lakh smokeless Chulhas promoted
Achievements under The Project 16 Multi-village water supply schemes covering 283 quality affected habitations each scheme covering 15-30 villages Joint Committees comprising of 5-8 Grama Panchayats are fully responsible for implementation and O&M of these major schemes
Social Benefits Community Empowerment Community empowered and involved in the entire project cycles of pre-planning, planning, procurement, implementation & post implementation of schemes Rs.51 crore community contribution(88%) and Rs.33 crore GP contribution(95%) mobilized Community is directly involved in execution of schemes through community contracting. Under this method 35-40 % civil works taken up by the community Operation, maintenance & management skills of the community /user groups developed Health and Hygiene Education to community
Social Cost Benefits Time saved in collection of water: 1-2 hours in a day per Household Time saved due to improved access to sanitation services: about one hour per adult member of family SHGs and woman Groups involved in water tariff mobilization generating additional income for the group along with providing opportunity for service to the community
Inclusive Development 425 Lambani Thandas and Siddi Habitations covered under the project Out of total coverage of 51.50 lakh population in the project, 25.7 lakh BPL and 11.31 lakh SC/ST population covered under the project as a part of inclusive development
Health Benefits under the project Water borne diseases contribute 70 % of the health risk to the rural community in the project area The project provides access to safe and potable drinking water supply to the community by ensuring quality through; Disinfection Units installed for each scheme Water Quality test tool kits provided and testing skills developed Chlorination done regularly 534 Quality affected habitation provided with safe drinking water Sanitation facilities improved in 1514 habitations by providing roads and sullage /storm water drains
Technical Benefits Choice of schemes by the community based on different technical options suggested by technical Support Agency Quality surveillance by Village level committee/ community VWSC/GP/JC actively involved in contract management for effective implementation reducing time and cost overrun. Service delivery to the tail end households ensured by VWSC 40-50 LPCD safe water delivered through house connections and public stand post with adequate pressure
Sustainability of Services Sustainability of drinking water schemes/sources, Quality & quantity of services, functioning of users groups, tariff recovery, operation, maintenance and management monitored through Sustainability Monitoring Exercise (SME) In more than 70 % habitations water tariff mobilized is above ranges from 50 -100% indicating increase in sustainability
Sustainability of Services Pioneering effort towards Rain Water Harvesting Roof top RWH in 20,000 SC/ST/BPL households in 1000 water quality affected habitations 23,683 rural schools are being covered “Suvarna Jal” Artificial ground water recharge measures for the sustainability of existing rural water schemes Revenue Divisional level, District level and taluk level workshops on rain water harvesting conducted Intensive awareness campaign among rural masses & involvement of rural community BAIF pilot project for Roof top & Surface Rain Water harvesting – Rs.14.35 Cr.
Tackling Drought & Flood Situation Contingent measures have been initiated through Taluk Task Force Committees to ensure continous service delivery Efficiency of existing schemes improved by deepening, flushing & hydro-fracturing Control Rooms have been established in all the taluks of the State to address complaints immediately
Community Consultation during planning stage
Multi Village Scheme – Various Structures Approach Bridge Jack Well Source Water Treatment Plant Zonal Balancing Reservoir Intake Well DI pipe line
Ariel view of Water Treatment plant Multi Village Scheme Ariel view of Water Treatment plant
Cost Saving Innovative Techniques Sliding Arrangement for Pumping of Raw Water from River source Floating Platform to pump raw water from surface source